[nagdu] Going in circles
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Wed Jan 23 16:02:37 UTC 2013
We have a couple routes that are essentially big circles--down a couple
blocks, over a few, down a couple more, and back towards home. They're not
Ben's favorites, but he's OK with them. He likes the route away from home
quite a bit, but he's not so keen on the one coming back. My husband calls
it the going home blues.
I would like to do something other than the big circle, but sometimes I just
have no particular place to go.
My neighborhood is bounded on one side by a railroad running through it, and
on another side by very busy streets with only a few stoplights. It kinda
limits my walking-for-exercise circles.
I can walk farther up than usual and cross the tracks, but it's a much
longer walk than otherwise.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Cindy Ray" <cindyray at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide dogs in gyms was RE: Just some thoughts
> Julie, what do you do with your dog while you are running on the track.
> The dogs adapt to going to the gym fine, but any I have would have expired
> from boredom on the track. I used to do a walking trail with Spencer, and
> even that bored him seriously. They really like to go from somewhere to
> somewhere. So if you are just walking, it is better to walk somewhere and
> then returning by another route. Retracing doesn't set well, and going
> around and around doesn't necessarily either. I would not get enough
> exercise doing that.
> CL
> On Jan 23, 2013, at 9:11 AM, Julie J. wrote:
>> I have walked an outdoor track with Monty. I think it's a quarter mile
>> once around. He still gets bored. I think if there were a lot of people
>> and he got to weave me in an out, playing the dog version of stock car
>> driver, he might find the experience more enjoyable! *smile*
>> Mostly though, I work him in harness to the track and then run with my
>> Kiddo as a guide.
>> We don't have a gym here that I know of. I have a treadmill in the
>> basement though. Sometimes Monty will come and lie down beside it when
>> I'm walking. Other times he'll come to see what I'm doing and then
>> wander off somewhere else in the house. I think if I did go to a gym, he
>> wouldn't be bothered by the equipment. I think I'd have him lie in front
>> of the machine. I'm specifically thinking in front of the machine so I
>> wouldn't accidentally step on him getting off the machine, especially if
>> I needed to exit abruptly. I have pushed the wrong button on the rare
>> occasion and needed to eject myself quickly! *smile*
>> Have fun and don't stress too much about the dog. Just go and try some
>> different things until you find what works for you and your dog.
>> all the best,
>> Julie
>> On 1/23/2013 8:59 AM, Tracy Carcione wrote:
>>> I suspect a dog would get really bored walking round and round on a
>>> track, especially if it's not very long. I think, if I asked Ben to do
>>> it, after the first round or two he'd really slow down, not because he
>>> was tired, but just because he wouldn't see any point in it. I might
>>> just leave him somewhere near the start of the track, out of the way,
>>> and use my cane. Or I'd have to think of a way to make it interesting
>>> for him, like giving him a kibble every time we passed the finish line
>>> or something. But 17 kibbles is quite a lot.
>>> I appreciate the idea of leaving the dog with the lifeguard at the pool.
>>> Tracy
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "d m gina" <dmgina at samobile.net>
>>> To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 9:13 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Guide dogs in gyms was RE: Just some thoughts
>>>> OK i can't answer all questions, so just read from here.
>>>> I got a message today that I went over my five trying to answer
>>>> questions.
>>>> We did get to the YMCA today.
>>>> They were so kind to let me walk with him on the track.
>>>> One day you go clock wise the next day you go counter.
>>>> He wanted to be in the center, if walking you stay near the rail, we
>>>> will work on this.
>>>> If running wich will not happen you stay on the outside.
>>>> If you walk around the track 17 times this is a mile.
>>>> We did it three.
>>>> I could tell when he was getting tired.
>>>> I spoke to a friend on how to help him out.
>>>> So he wouldn't get board easy.
>>>> We will slowly build him up.
>>>> It was a fun day, where we will try again tomorrow.
>>>> Original message:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> Just thought I would change the subject line, so more people would
>>>>> actually
>>>>> know what this thread was about.
>>>>> I used to go to the YMCA a few times a week with Pascal. I would work
>>>>> out
>>>>> with the exercise equipment (treadmill, weight machines, etc.) first
>>>>> and
>>>>> then head to the pool.
>>>>> Everyone there was great about Pascal, they loved him. There were many
>>>>> young
>>>>> kids around and they all liked seeing him, and knew not to pet him
>>>>> while he
>>>>> was working. While using the treadmill, I would put Pascal on tie
>>>>> down next
>>>>> to it, and he would just sleep. When we headed over to the pool area,
>>>>> I
>>>>> handed him over to the life guard. One of the managers there suggested
>>>>> that
>>>>> the lifeguard would be the best person to puppy sit, so I would tie
>>>>> him onto
>>>>> the lifeguard chair. Pascal was very well behaved, he mostly just
>>>>> slept.
>>>>> But, occasionally the lifeguard would tell me that he kept looking
>>>>> longingly
>>>>> at the pool and would have loved to just dive on in.
>>>>> Pascal has never been an overly Velcro dog. That is to say, that I can
>>>>> easily leave him with someone else, and go off and do my own thing. He
>>>>> always gets excited when I come back, but he doesn't seem to mind me
>>>>> being
>>>>> out of his sight. If you have a Velcro dog, they may not like you
>>>>> being in
>>>>> the pool without them. They should be fine lying next to you at the
>>>>> treadmill though.
>>>>> So, I suggest you do take your dog to the gym with you, I think it
>>>>> will be
>>>>> good for both of you.
>>>>> Hope this has helped.
>>>>> Deanna and Pascal
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina
>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 8:37 PM
>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Just some thoughts
>>>>> If I can walk the track with him that would be good for both of us.
>>>>> Then he would get a swell work out.
>>>>> With the snow and ice melting refreezing and melting again, I am
>>>>> afraid of
>>>>> falling.
>>>>> I know this is new for me, where I will work with them and they me.
>>>>> i can't go swimming until I get a suit
>>>>> Original message:
>>>>>> It depends on how everything works out! Holly loves Mass and would
>>>>>> probably like the gym too! But, I would worry about folks bothering
>>>>>> her while I was excorcising!
>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>> From: "d m gina" <dmgina at samobile.net>
>>>>>> To: <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 5:51 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [nagdu] Just some thoughts
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I have some thoughts,
>>>>>>> I'm going to start to go to the YMCA.
>>>>>>> If I can go to mass in the early morning, then would you take your
>>>>>>> dog to the gym?
>>>>>>> Or would you let him stay home in the crate for a couple of hours
>>>>>>> until you get home again?
>>>>>>> Just some thoughts.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> --Dar
>>>>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>>>> FB: dmgina
>>>>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>>>>> every saint has a past
>>>>>>> every sinner has a future
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>>>>> --
>>>>> --Dar
>>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>>> FB: dmgina
>>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>>> every saint has a past
>>>>> every sinner has a future
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>>>> --
>>>> --Dar
>>>> skype: dmgina23
>>>> FB: dmgina
>>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>>> every saint has a past
>>>> every sinner has a future
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