[nagdu] questions for owner trainers

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 21:00:38 UTC 2013

Hi Danielle, Mardi here. Both Julie and Tami pretty much said it. I have
trained both shelter dogs and dogs from breeders.I am currently training 2
dogs as guides. A rescued black lab,named Lady for my friend Rachel and a
Siberian Husky,named Neechee,that I bought from a breeder.Both dogs are now
about 2 years old. I started both on obedience and house manners and
socialization.Both got along well with cats and other dogs so I did not
have to do any thing there.I will be starting leash guiding and curb work
with the lab. I have already worked the husky on leash guiding and curb
work. I have just started her in harness.I am working the husky with a
manual wheelchair and  walking. The husky is not pulling the wheelchair. I
just want her to guide me from the chair.I have Rachel helping with the
training of her dog.Lady went home with Rachel for the weekend.I feel that
with Rachel working with her dog and taking her home on weekends,that it
will help with the final transition of her going to live with Rachel when
she is finally trained as a guide.I also use my current guide to help in
the training of the new dogs by tethering both dogs together while working
them side by side.They seem to enjoy this and they do learn from each
other.Traffic and overhead will come later as well as mall work,
elevators,stairs, the find command and and any finishing touches that are
needed.I have bought some of my equipment and harnesses, but I am back to
making a lot of my equipment and harnesses, and I prefer it that way as I
know what I need and can't always find a source to buy it.My current
guide,Shaman is a rescued Belgian Shepherd and I work him from a power
wheelchair. Hope this answers your questions.  Mardi and Shaman and


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