[nagdu] gentle leader
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Fri Jun 21 13:51:17 UTC 2013
Hi there,
This is something I wouldn't have thought of, because this is the first
time I felt I needed to use something.
I find it interesting that the schools in training don't share this
kind of information.
They are pleased that the dog is in control.
If you can give a tip how to keep the dog from over pulling, when he is
trying to get to another dog, or just excited that would be grate.
I'm pleased I brought this up.
At home for the most part I don't use the canny collar or anything like
that, now that he is getting better about not putting nose to the floor
in a restaurant.
Walking the neighborhood there are times when I put it on to have him
slow down with my left hip not moving as freely as it is used to moving.
My dog is good about this, where I am pleased.
Thanks again for sharing.
Original message:
> I suggest caution with the use of head collars in hot weather. Most head
> collars are made so the dog can still open it's mouth to pant, however it
> will be a bit restricted as to how far the mouth can be open and will
> restrict the cooling effect of panting. Longer snouted breeds won't be as
> affected, but shorter face breeds like Boxers and even some labs I've seen
> will be more restricted by a head collar because of the shape of their
> muzzle.
> I haven't used a head collar for quite a few months now. When Monty was
> younger I did more frequently because when he's on a mission he can get
> going pulling. Usually that happens when he knows feeding time is waiting
> at the other end of our walk. *smile* Still, I'd take it off if he was
> panting more than a little bit, because he does have a shortened muzzle and
> the potential to overheat is there.
> Julie
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