[nagdu] Landlord Issues
Kody Keplinger
kodytheduff at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 01:45:31 UTC 2013
He's the owner. I spoke with the building's liaison this afternoon, and she
was totally good about it. It seemed like a good indicator that things
would go smoothly when speaking to him, but he shocked me with this
argument. He claims he will "lose money" becuse he "can't rent the
apartment below mine" if I have a dog because of the noise level. Every
time I tried to speak up about FHA, he said he "knew the law" and "wasn't
debating my rights."
He also claimed that if I'd come in with a dog from day one he would have
told me it'd be best for me to look elsewhere. I had to bite my tongue (I
was too upset and didn't trust myself not to get really angry) because
legally, no, he couldn't have told me that. That would be descrimination.
I'm making phone calls and trying to do research. I LOVE my apartment. I
don't want to move nor do I have the funds to do so at this time, and I'll
probably be being placed with the dog later this month, so I have to move
quickly. I'm just in shock. I wasn't expecting this.
On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 8:39 PM, Mark J. Cadigan <kramc11 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, what he said is most certainly illegal under the FHA, the ADA does
> not govern the non-public areas of an apartment building, and most likely
> under state law as well. He is trying to intimidate you with his supposed
> knowledge of the law.
> The question of if you want to live somewhere that you have to have this
> fight is a good one. Does this man own the apartment building, or is he
> just the property manager.
> Mark
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kody Keplinger" <kodytheduff at gmail.com
> >
> To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <
> nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 8:23 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] Landlord Issues
> Hey guys,
>> I need some professional opinions and help.
>> I just saw my landlord, and he pretty much told me if I get a guide dog, I
>> basically have to move out. My immediate reaction was that that is
>> illegal,
>> and he assured me that he knows the ADA and FHA backwards and forwards
>> (his
>> words). He then said it's because of the building's structure and the
>> hardwood floors. He said it would be unfair to the tenants below me to
>> have
>> a large dog walking around and that he could lose money.
>> I'm really upset and worried. My gut is telling me he is wrong and that
>> this is illegal, but I also understand his argument. I asked if we could
>> compromise (i. e. put in carpets) but he said his compromise would be
>> helping me break my lease early and asking my realtor to help find a dog
>> friendly place in the neighborhood.
>> Has anyone dealt with this particular argument before? Is my landlord
>> right
>> or is the law on my side? My other issue is, do I really want to live in a
>> place where I have to have this fight?
>> Please help.
>> Kody
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*Kody Keplinger*
author of:
*THE DUFF (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) - an ALA Top Ten Quick Pick for
Reluctant Young Readers.*
*SHUT OUT - available September 5th!*
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