[nagdu] Crosswalks
Lyn Gwizdak
linda.gwizdak at cox.net
Wed May 8 19:07:04 UTC 2013
Hey Eve,
Actually, John McCain could be a great neighbor to have. In spite of his
being a REpublican and conservative, he actually has been very helpful and
supportive of disability rights things - at leasrt so i've heard from ACB
and some NFB members. LOL! With some of these politicians, one never knows
how they become friends of our blind and disabled communities. Hey, these
folks have families and friends - maybe McCain has a blind or disabled
relative or friend. One never knows.
Actually, if you move to MCCain's town - forgot what it was - Sedona? Don't
know the spelling. My parents went there and said it is a tourist
destination. Anyway, McCain could be a prominent person who could be very
helpful. But, I still wouldn't ever vote for him! LOL!
I love living in a city! I can get around when I want with the decent
public transit. Really small towns usually don't and you would be having to
rely on others for a ride to do anything. If I could drive, I'd live in a
smaller town myself but in a reasonable to a larger city.
I have a friend who lives in a tiny, redneck town in Georgia. She is
visually impaired and uses a guide horse and much of the time needs a power
chair for mobility for her health problems. She literally is house-bound if
her husband doesn't drive her anywhere. She can't even travel the road
because there are no sidewalks. Evidently, there's a law there that says
that you can't drive your power wheelchair on the side of the road - a cop
came along and almost gve her a ticket for violating this law. She got off
with a warning - "If I catch you on this road in that chair, I'll ticket
you." So, she is limited to going to the end of her driveway and that is
all unless her husband drives her to town where there are sidewalks and
stores. If I lived there, I'd feel like I was in prison! Or dead because
they hate LGBTs there!
Lyn and landon
"Asking who's the man and who's the woman in an LGBT relationship is like
asking which chopstick is the fork" - Unknown
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eve Sanchez" <celticyaya at gmail.com>
To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, May 04, 2013 5:05 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Crosswalks
> I'm sorry. That sounded pretty bad. A few years ago, I was hit while
> standing still in a parking lot and really do not want to have it
> happen again. It is something that kind of scares me now. I just do
> not understand drivers who can not pay attention. I drove for many
> years and was legally blind and I never hit anyone. Another story
> though. We have those flags here in the US too, but not all cities
> employ them. They should. I know they do help decrease the pedestrian
> accidents. I love big cities, lots of places to eat, shop, and things
> to do, but you know I doubt I will ever live anywhere again that has
> more than 30,000 people. Actually the city I want to move to and buy
> a house in has probably closer to 400 people. Nice number. The only
> problem is one of the residents is John McCain and I really do not
> want him as a neighbor. hahaha Eve
> On Sat, May 4, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Tami Jarvis <tami at poodlemutt.com> wrote:
>> Ken,
>> Yikes! I hate when that happens... And, yes, it has happened to us, too.
>> In
>> fact, Mitzi's first traffic check was all but knocking me on my butt to
>> get
>> the two of us out of the way from an illegal left turn while we were in
>> the
>> crossing a super well-lit intersection. I still want to chase that car
>> down
>> and do some damage! But I was pretty proud of my youngster, since I was
>> still trying to figure out how to train for traffic checks. /smile/
>> We've also nearly been mowed down by speeding bicyclists! And nearly run
>> over by a car while standing on the sidewalk waiting for a light... Don't
>> know how Mitzi called that one in time, but she nearly jerked me off my
>> feet
>> getting me out of the way! Then took a nice opportunistic sniff. I was
>> just
>> about ready to lay into her like I never have before when I heard the car
>> and felt the heat on the backs of my legs and realized what had happened.
>> So
>> Mitzi got her well-earned sniff!
>> I've never thought of using whistles or anything like that... I guess I
>> figure if people can't watch where they are pointing their speeding death
>> machines to begin with, the only thing one can do is listen up and pay
>> attention... And hope the dog will drag you out of the way in time!
>> /smile/
>> Glad Ace was on the ball and keeping you safe!
>> Tami
>> On 05/04/2013 02:52 PM, Ken Ace wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> I am curious if as a group you have problems in crosswalks in the middle
>>> of
>>> the block. I mentioned earlier that Ace & I live in the County in the
>>> USA
>>> that has the most pedestrian death a year. We also have 40k visual
>>> impaired
>>> residences.
>>> Today Ace & I had two incidences where we were crossing and half way
>>> across
>>> a car went right by us. Had we been a couple strides faster I don't know
>>> what might have happened because the one was very close.
>>> So my question is do any of you carry a whistle or do you have any other
>>> remedies that you employ to deal with this problem or is it just because
>>> we
>>> live in Pinellas Co. FL.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Ken & Ace
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