[nagdu] Dog treats I use for rewards
cheryl echevarria
cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 14 14:02:46 UTC 2013
Maxx doesn't get typical dog treats, he gets green beans, his favorite, you just have to say the word and he sits and behaves. He is normally a good dog anyway, but we do daily training on the basics.
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Your old car keys can be the keys to literacy for a blind child. Donate your unwanted vehicle to us by clicking www.nfb.org/vehicledonations or call 855-659-9314. Echevarria Travel has partnered with Braille Smith. www.braillesmith.com for all her braille needs. Gail Smith is the Secretary of the NFB of Alabama
> Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:53:21 -0500
> From: ravend729 at gmail.com
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] some miscellaneous issues and updates from Aleeha andDallas
> Hi Daniel,
> When exactly do you give your Irene food rewards? Is it when she first
> gets in the car, or while she's sitting in the car quietly? Also, what
> kind of treats are they?
> I would recommend using high value treats for this whether they are
> bought online or from a store, or just a cut up, cooked chicken
> breast.
> Also, use food rewards and praise, only when the dog is settled or
> being quiet in the car. This might sound obvious, but I've seen people
> pull out the treats and give them to an unsettled dog, who only
> settled or seemed so because the treats were out. Be sure to wait for
> those moments when she isn't reacting negatively, and reward her like
> she just found the solution to all of the world's problems. Lots of
> praise, and a jackpot--several consecutive treats.
> If you even have problems getting your dog into vehicles, that is a
> different story, and I think for some dogs, it will take more than
> food. You might have to put toys in the car to make sitting, then
> riding in it a good thing.
> On 11/14/13, daniel <gutz2020 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > hey aleeha, I wonder what it is about these dogs that set off the veehicle
> > nervousness? If I remember correctly you went to training the class before I
> >
> > did (summer)? And I know Irene is having issues with all veehicles along
> > with another member of my class. As for the chair thing: at tse they taught
> >
> > us to put the head facing towards the back of the chair...for some reason
> > irene hates this. I've just started putting her with her head facing the
> > table (or the front of the chair) and now she does just fine...
> > When you get over the veehicle problem with dallas, could you let me know
> > how you did it? I'm trying food rewards and they don't seem to have much
> > affect...
> > hope dallas is doing well,
> > daniel and the allways sleeping Irene.
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Aleeha Dudley" <blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com>
> > To: "NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
> > <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:23 AM
> > Subject: Re: [nagdu] some miscellaneous issues and updates from Aleeha
> > andDallas
> >
> >
> >> Hi all,
> >> I contacted The Seeing Eye last week and spoke with someone about
> >> these behaviors. I am working on them and hope to get them to improve.
> >> Dallas did show his fear of vacuum cleaners during training, but never
> >> exhibited any of these other fears.
> >> Thanks for all your wonderful suggestions!
> >> Aleeha and the currently snoozing Dallas
> >>
> >> On 11/9/13, Nicole Torcolini <ntorcolini at wavecable.com> wrote:
> >>> Did Dallas exhibit any of these behaviors during training? Have you
> >>> contacted the school about any of them? As for suggestions...
> >>> Do you have a chair at home with which you can practice him going under
> >>> the
> >>> chair? You might want to try it without the harness a few times as he
> >>> might
> >>> be nervous about the harness getting hung. Also, I would not recommend
> >>> forcing him to go under the chair if he is afraid as this might just
> >>> make
> >>> things worse. Do you have a clicker and use clicker training? You could
> >>> try
> >>> to use it to train him to go under the chair. Start by sitting in the
> >>> chair
> >>> and having Dallas lay between your feet facing away from you. Click and
> >>> treat. Once he is comfortable with that, make sure his tail and hind
> >>> legs
> >>> are not sticking out and gently scoot him back a tiny bit toward the
> >>> chair
> >>> by putting both hands on his chest and pushing backwards. Don't push him
> >>> all
> >>> the way under the first time but rather work up to it. Each time, have
> >>> him
> >>> stay in that position for a little while and then let him get up. When
> >>> he
> >>> gets up, make sure that he is not getting hung. He might be afraid of
> >>> going
> >>> under the chair because he got stuck once. Also, of course, make sure
> >>> that
> >>> you do not inadvertently move the chair while he is under it and get on
> >>> his
> >>> feet or tail or ear or something.
> >>> As for the bus, I would recommend giving Dallas treats. Can you tell
> >>> when
> >>> there is going to be a stop? If so, you could pet him and try to keep
> >>> him
> >>> from jumping up. I would not use a correction for him jumping up.
> >>> Instead,
> >>> gently pull him back into a down position and try to calm him down. Once
> >>>
> >>> he
> >>> is back in the desired position, give him a treat. Also, is this
> >>> something
> >>> that he does in all vehicles or just in buses?
> >>> What does Dallas do when you vacuum at home? You could try get him used
> >>> to
> >>> it. Take Dallas in a room and shut the door. Have a friend go a few
> >>> rooms
> >>> away with the vacuum cleaner, but make sure that you have some way to
> >>> communicate, such as a cell phone or walky talky. Put Dallas in a down
> >>> position and give him a treat. Then have the other person turn on the
> >>> vacuum
> >>> cleaner. If he immediately jumps up, turn the vacuum off and start over.
> >>> Keep doing this and using treats until he does not jump up any more. It
> >>> may
> >>> take a few sessions as doing it continuously for a long time can make it
> >>> worse. Once he does not jump up, slowly increase the amount of time that
> >>> the
> >>> vacuum cleaner runs. Then, once he can tolerate it for more than a
> >>> minute,
> >>> have your friend move one room closer so that the noise is louder. Keep
> >>> doing this until Dallas can tolerate it in the same room.
> >>> If you take Dallas out on a regular schedule and know that he does not
> >>> need
> >>> to go when he pulls over into the grass, then I would give him a leash
> >>> correction, and the same for when he just randomly stops, especially if
> >>> it
> >>> seems random and he does not seem to be confused or anything.
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Aleeha Dudley
> >>> Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2013 1:21 PM
> >>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> >>> Subject: [nagdu] some miscellaneous issues and updates from Aleeha and
> >>> Dallas
> >>>
> >>> Hello all,
> >>> I know I haven't written in a while. It's been quite the busy time
> >>> here.
> >>> Good news: Dallas did fairly well at our state NFB convention last
> >>> week.
> >>> He didn't have an accident in the hotel, but he was a bit constipated for
> >>>
> >>> a
> >>> couple days. The biggest issue I saw was his dog distractions. He likes
> >>> to
> >>> twist around in harness, making things very difficult. Most of the time,
> >>> nothing but a high collar will get him even close to past a distraction.
> >>> I'm wondering if anyone has suggestions for a couple of problems I'm
> >>> having with Dally boy. He's a wonderful guide, but these issues are
> >>> somewhat
> >>> annoying. The first of them is his hesitance to go under chairs. I
> >>> almost
> >>> have to drag him under the chair, which makes both him and me
> >>> uncomfortable.
> >>> A sighted person says he shows some fear when I try to get him settled.
> >>> Second, Dallas has a similar behavior on busses. He seems very fearful
> >>> and, at times, cowers under the seat, leaping up at every stop.
> >>> Third is his irrational fear of vacuum cleaners. I can handle this at
> >>> home, but when one is being used, in a restaurant, say, I literally
> >>> cannot
> >>> keep ahold of him.
> >>> The last issue is the most serious. Dallas likes to pretend he needs
> >>> to
> >>> park, pulling off to the grass and not going. He also has a tendency to
> >>> stop
> >>> in the sidewalk and stand there, looking around. No amount of coaxing
> >>> will
> >>> get him going again.
> >>> Any suggestions?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Aleeha and the little yellow Dally boy
> >>>
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> >>
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> >
> >
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> --
> Raven
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