[nagdu] Use of canes while at guide dog training programs was The differences in dogs and canes

Mardi Hadfield wolfsinger.lakota at gmail.com
Wed Oct 2 21:36:26 UTC 2013

Star Gazer and all, since I have never been to a guide dog program,never
had a cane until after I had my dog,I have never really gotten that "close
" to my cane. I also had some sight when training my first dog to guide me
with the help of a private trainer.I had also trained my dog to first work
as a mobility wheelchair dog. I never had trust issues,I think because I
still had usable vision.I have had to rely on my cane more over the years
as I lost more of my vision. When I was between dogs I used it all the time
except around my own house and yard,which I know very well.I have used a
cane when training my last 2 dogs and had no trainer helping me.My dogs are
used to seeing canes. I also trained Rachel's dog using a cane in the
beginning as did she when first patterning the dog.She now uses her foot to
find the distance between the side walk and the street when needed.Using a
wheelchair, I can not use my feet for that.I do carry a cane should it be
needed.I have a lot less vision now, but still have no trust issues with my
dogs.My eyes are closed a lot when out side as I am very light
sensitive.Shaman and Neechee seldom make mistakes and when they do, I just
rework it.I think ,because I used my cane when training Neechee and
Lady,they had no fear or working issues at our recent convention.It was
both dogs' first convention.Even when one man was coming right at Neechee
with his cane swinging,she jumped over his cane to avoid it and him, and
continued on her way as if that were a normal every day happening.Neechee
had no trouble navigating the canes at the convention and was very patient
with people who stopped to talk with others. She would figure out a way to
go around them with hardly breaking stride.I think both dogs did so well at
the convention with all those canes because they were so used to seeing
them in use during their training.They also behaved very well around all
the other dogs as well.I now do use my cane around my yard when it is dark
as my dogs like to dig holes and I have stepped in a few. I would rather
use the cane than not and break an ankle.LOL.I think the schools should
encourage their students to use their canes as it is an unfamiliar area to
them.I think the dogs would benefit being able to work around canes.JMHO.
Mardi and Shaman and Neechee


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