[nagdu] new dog food...
Sherry Gomes
sherriola at gmail.com
Sun Sep 1 15:11:44 UTC 2013
The grain free foods all have some fruit and veggies in them, carrots, even
berries I think. My friend, the one I consult on all things dog food,
doesn't like, I think it's beet and tomato pulp, but agrees the things in
the grain free foods are good.
I'm glad to know your dog did well without being on a senior formula.
Bianca, my retired girl, has always had a bit of a sensitive tummy, and
she's mostly healthy now, so I've hesitated to switch her to something that
takes away protein and replaces it with fillers.
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tracy Carcione
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 9:09 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: Re: [nagdu] new dog food...
I agree with Sherry's ingredient list, though I don't mind some fruit and
veg in the dogfood. I'm feeding Canidae for All Life Stages. It has a bit
more rice than I'd like, but my dogs have done very well on it.
I never switched Echo to a senior food, and she lived to be 17. I just
didn't like all the filler, and she seemed fine with the regular.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sherry Gomes" <sherriola at gmail.com>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'"
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] new dog food...
> Hey Dan,
> I try to feed my dog a high quality food. Here are some of my
> requirements.
> I'll start by saying I would have preferred a grain free diet--dogs in the
> wild don't eat grain as a rule--but my Olga couldn't handle that. So,
> here's
> why and what I look for.
> 1. meat is the first ingredient in the list of ingredients. Dogs need meat
> and if it's not the first thing on the list the food is likely to have a
> lot
> of corn or fillers.
> 2. no corn or wheat in the ingredients. Corn isn't necessarily very
> digestible for dogs, not really great for humans either come to that, and
> it's really more a filler in dog food than having any nutritional value.
> Wheat can also be hard to digest and many dogs have allergies to corn or
> wheat.
> 3. I stay away from a lot of fillers, like soy and meat byproducts, beet
> or
> tomato pulp. It's just filler and not necessary for the dogs.
> A good friend of mine is a dog food expert, and I've gotten all my
> knowledge
> from her as well as following up and reading about dog nutrition. The food
> my girls eat does have avocado in it, but it was the only food Olga could
> handle without eventually having diarrhea. Other than the avocado, the
> food
> pretty much has lamb and brown rice. I think this food does have some of
> that tomato pulp in it, but as it was the only negative ingredient, and
> the
> food Olga can eat consistently without being sick, I take that. If I get
> another guide dog after she retires, I'll try the dog on the grain free
> diet
> again, because I still think it's the most natural food outside feeding
> raw
> that I can find.
> One frustrating thing for me is that I can't find a senior dog food with
> lamb and rice. Every food I've looked at for senior dogs--my retired girl
> is
> twelve and a half--has chicken in it. She's eaten lamb all her life, and I
> don't want to switch her to chicken, but I think the regular dog food
> might
> be a little much for her system. Senior dog foods also often have a lot of
> fillers in them, another reason I haven't looked too hard for something.
> But
> if I found a quality lamb and rice senior dog food, I'd switch the old one
> to that.
> By the way, nothing wrong with chicken dog food, or beef or any of the
> other
> available meat sources. Olga and Bianca, and the two dogs before them just
> couldn't handle the chicken based foods, so it's been lamb and rice for my
> dogs for about twenty years.
> Sherry
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Cindy Ray
> Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 9:04 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] new dog food...
> Dan, I can't remember why yo are seeking another dog food. I feed Iams
> MiniChunks for Adult Dogs, or something like that. I feed it because
> that's
> what The Seeing Eye was feeding and I could see no reason for changing it.
> If he gets too fat, I'll have to do something else. The food is easy to
> get,
> it is moderately priced, and the dogs here all thrive on it. So I have no
> scientific reason for feeding my dog what I'm feeding him.
> Cindy Lou
> On Aug 31, 2013, at 10:00 AM, "daniel" <gutz2020 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey guys, I know dog food has been a hot topic on the list lately. I
>> wrote
>> to the list a while back asking about suggestions for a food to feed
> Irene.
>> I heard natural balance a lot along with a few others. When I went to the
>> vet he suggested purina.has anyone used purina and liked it? Also, could
>> yall tell me why yall use the foods yall use? I'm trying to find a good
> one
>> for Irene but I just don't know what to look for.and there's so so many
>> options out there.aaaaaahrg!!!!
>> Thanks,
>> Dan.
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