[nagdu] Identifying dogs reaching a common ground
Danielle A. Creapeau
dcreapeau at gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 18:04:26 UTC 2013
I too prefer to work with dogs trained in programs but I also have
great admiration for those who train their own dogs. That being said,
I wouldn't mind being "carded" in order to show that my dog is a legit
service animal. It's like the extra precautions at airports, yes, they
are a hastle but they ensure everyone's safety which to me is worth
On 9/5/13, Cindy Ray <cindyray at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Bridget,
> There are a number of people, as you know, who train or have trained their
> own dogs on this list. I used to feel as you do about it, but I've seen some
> dogs who appeared to be well trained come out of the programs; I've seem
> some who did not. I've seen some who appeared to be well trained by
> trainers; I have seen a few who are not.
> The people on this list don't take a random dog and train that dog. They
> carefully select a dog, or the parent of one at a breeder's. Probably the
> pups were mostly already born. Maybe some take older, but as I see it, the
> most take pups. Then they socialize them much as the puppy raisers do from
> the programs, and begin training them. If the dog's temperament appears to
> not be what they are looking for, they start over. I think some of these
> people train their dogs for a couple of years. I, like you, would not do
> this even though the thought intrigues me.
> I think the furror over dogs is related more to the fact there are so many
> services now covered. At one time only guides were covered. I believe there
> were problems then; I also believe they have escalated. The problems have
> escalated, in my opinion, because so many services claim to be covered. Some
> of them, upon further exploration, seem to be warranted. Others may not, and
> especially the so-called emotional support thing. Just about anyone could
> pick up a chihuahua and take it with them, claiming that they de-stress by
> petting the dog; therefore, the dog is providing a service. They aren't to
> do it now, but then there gets to be confusion about that and the PTSD Dogs.
> Those provide a service though because they help a person having an episode
> to ground again and sometimes to get out of the place causing stress. But a
> lot of the problem is there are so many service covered now that people slip
> under the wire, so to speak. I do believe, like you, that the time will come
> when we will all have to show documentation because of the continuing abuse,
> unless most of it is imagined rather than real.
> Some of what I said my not be completely accurate, so if it is not, I
> apologize in advance to those who no more about training than do I.
> CL
> On Sep 4, 2013, at 11:17 PM, Bridget Walker <bridgetawalker13 at aol.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have some thoughts after following the threads. in my opinion A service
>> dog should be trained by an actual program. Yes that's right I said it.
>> It's not the harness or the vest that makes the dog it is the training. I
>> do not know how anyone can pick a random dog, train it on their own
>> without being a trainer and call it a service animal. Until someone
>> informs me of how a dog that is not trained by an actual trainer gets
>> identified as a service dog I'm sorry I personally can find a reason why
>> there can be conflicts.
>> I fully believe the dogs the guide dog schools breed and train are what
>> make the dog. The early socialization and introductions the puppies get is
>> crucial and it should all be done a specific way. With that I think this
>> war over fake verses legit service dogs is beating a dead horse. I think
>> there most definitely needs to be some kind of certification process for
>> the dogs that are not trained from an actual program. If I could just
>> train my pet as a guide dog is that really ok? I asked a while back who
>> evaluates these dogs and I never got an answer. I don't think it can be
>> just anyone who should make the call over what makes a good service dog
>> that is what a trainer. Training school is for.
>> Ok a bit off topic there but really I think there is a reason we have
>> training programs and ID cards. Do we need them by law? No, but maybe we
>> just might at the rate everything is going.
>> There are people that take for granted a lot of opportunities including
>> this. I would still like to maintain the ability to travel with a
>> service dog as a right not a privilege.
>> This is not designed. to say this goes to the fault of anyone specific
>> because if we knew why there was such a conflict I am sure we would be
>> acting on it.
>> I leave it at that.
>> Bridget
>> Sent from my iPad
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