[nagdu] Poodles
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Mon Aug 4 17:08:25 UTC 2014
Well, I got my second poodle because my husband doesn't want the dog
hair... You know, like the dog hair from his dog all over the place.
What that says about me (or us) I just can't imagine. /lol/ He also
really likes Mitzi poodle for many other reasons, so it's not just about
the hair. Part of the reason I considered changing breeds was to get
away from the ever-growing non-shedding hair. It just never stops! Also,
stuff sticks to it, so you don't have dog hair all over the house, but
you do have bits and pieces of the great outdoors strewn about. And we
just won't talk about the things that stick to the guide dog, especially
if I am using the guide to get to somewhere we really need to be dressed
to impress. /lol/
It seems like some people classify shed dog hair as a big awful mess,
while other people classify their dog's shed hair as something the
vacuum cleaner will pick up. In other words, to some, it's just a
natural part of the environment. So to the types who see dog hair as a
mess, the nonshedding breeds seem really attractive and maintaining all
that growing hair may seem preferable.
All I know is that my husband's mutt requires a FURminator and five or
ten minutes a day, although she loves to be brushed so I draw the
process out as much as I can. If I miss a day, so what? The poodles have
4 brushes all told and unless they are freshly shorn require half an
hour or more each, and that's just a lick and a promise if they are
really woolly. And if I miss a day... Which reminds me. I need to brush
a poodle before it's too late! /lol/
On 08/04/2014 09:06 AM, Dan Weiner via nagdu wrote:
> All right, Dan is going to sound unpleasant here, but remember it's my
> opinion and no one else's.
> When I hear someone say they want a poodle because they don't want to worry
> about hair I ask myself do they really want a guide dog.
> Dogs need to be taken care of, they need brushing, obedience, play, taking
> out, and all that stuff.
> Unless you want a dog and feel the advantages will outweigh the
> disadvantages then you shouldn't have one.
> And I don't criticize you if you don't want a dog, but I have always felt
> that those who want this or that breed for reasons other than their style or
> work or if they like that breed, for example, maybe would do themselves a
> better turn not having a dog.
> Honestly telling a school that you will only have a certain breed limits the
> choice of dog, especially when it is a less used breed like a poodle...your
> goal with getting a guide dog should be to enhance your travel making it
> safer, more fun, more efficient and all that good stuff.
> In short, do you really want a dog, because dogs have doggie qualities that
> twill take work even if it's not a lab--smile.
> And by the way, I'm not annoyed at the poodle as such I think they are great
> dogs, just want you to examine your motivation.
> Dan the curmudgeon
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tracy
> Carcione via nagdu
> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 10:27 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: [nagdu] Poodles
> Hi Amber.
> You say you want a poodle so you don't have to deal with hair. Poodles
> don't shed, but they're definitely not low-maintenance. They need regular
> brushing and regular haircuts to keep that beautiful fur from getting
> matted, or the dog turning into a big woolly sheep. I grew up with poodles,
> and I remember it taking more than a few minutes to give them a good
> brushing, even if I did it every couple days. It wasn't the quick
> brush-and-comb I give my lab that takes about 5 minutes. Of course, with my
> lab, I get enough fur for a new small dog every time I vacuum.
> Tracy
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