[nagdu] Poodles

Larry D Keeler lkeeler at comcast.net
Mon Aug 4 20:58:19 UTC 2014

Oh Tami! Its just because you have a poodle haircut! And, if you both pop 
your heads up, your husband will have to take a second look to see who is 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tami Jarvis via nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: "Dan Weiner" <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net>; "NAGDU Mailing List,the National 
Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 1:08 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Poodles

> Dan,
> Well, I got my second poodle because my husband doesn't want the dog 
> hair... You know, like the dog hair from his dog all over the place. What 
> that says about me (or us) I just can't imagine. /lol/ He also really 
> likes Mitzi poodle for many other reasons, so it's not just about the 
> hair. Part of the reason I considered changing breeds was to get away from 
> the ever-growing non-shedding hair. It just never stops! Also, stuff 
> sticks to it, so you don't have dog hair all over the house, but you do 
> have bits and pieces of the great outdoors strewn about. And we just won't 
> talk about the things that stick to the guide dog, especially if I am 
> using the guide to get to somewhere we really need to be dressed to 
> impress. /lol/
> It seems like some people classify shed dog hair as a big awful mess, 
> while other people classify their dog's shed hair as something the vacuum 
> cleaner will pick up. In other words, to some, it's just a natural part of 
> the environment. So to the types who see dog hair as a mess, the 
> nonshedding breeds seem really attractive and maintaining all that growing 
> hair may seem preferable.
> All I know is that my husband's mutt requires a FURminator and five or ten 
> minutes a day, although she loves to be brushed so I draw the process out 
> as much as I can. If I miss a day, so what? The poodles have 4 brushes all 
> told and unless they are freshly shorn require half an hour or more each, 
> and that's just a lick and a promise if they are really woolly. And if I 
> miss a day... Which reminds me. I need to brush a poodle before it's too 
> late! /lol/
> Tami
> On 08/04/2014 09:06 AM, Dan Weiner via nagdu wrote:
>> All right, Dan is going to sound unpleasant here, but remember it's my
>> opinion and no one else's.
>> When I hear someone say they want a poodle because they don't want to 
>> worry
>> about hair I ask myself do they really want a guide dog.
>> Dogs need to be taken care of, they need brushing, obedience, play, 
>> taking
>> out, and all that stuff.
>> Unless you want a dog and feel the advantages will outweigh the
>> disadvantages then you shouldn't have one.
>> And I don't criticize you if you don't want a dog, but I have always felt
>> that those who want this or that breed for reasons other than their style 
>> or
>> work or if they like that breed, for example, maybe would do themselves a
>> better turn not having a dog.
>> Honestly telling a school that you will only have a certain breed limits 
>> the
>> choice of dog, especially when it is a less used breed like a 
>> poodle...your
>> goal with getting a guide dog should be to enhance your travel making it
>> safer, more fun, more efficient and all that good stuff.
>> In short, do you really want a dog, because dogs have doggie qualities 
>> that
>> twill take work even if it's not a lab--smile.
>> And by the way, I'm not annoyed at the poodle as such I think they are 
>> great
>> dogs, just want you to examine your motivation.
>> Dan the curmudgeon
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Tracy
>> Carcione via nagdu
>> Sent: Monday, August 04, 2014 10:27 AM
>> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: [nagdu] Poodles
>> Hi Amber.
>> You say you want a poodle so you don't have to deal with hair.  Poodles
>> don't shed, but they're definitely not low-maintenance.  They need 
>> regular
>> brushing and regular haircuts to keep that beautiful fur from getting
>> matted, or the dog turning into a big woolly sheep.  I grew up with 
>> poodles,
>> and I remember it taking more than a few minutes to give them a good
>> brushing, even if I did it every couple days.  It wasn't the quick
>> brush-and-comb I give my lab that takes about 5 minutes.  Of course, with 
>> my
>> lab, I get enough fur for a new small dog every time I vacuum.
>> Tracy
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