[nagdu] guide dogs in hotels
Danielle Sykora
dsykora29 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 21:23:47 UTC 2014
I have only stayed in a hotel with my dog once and I did not notify
them in advanced. I brought food, a blanket, food bowl, collapsible
water bowl, and pickup bags. My dog slept on his blanket and I
attached his leash to the leg of some piece of furnature-I think it
was the desk. I fed my dog on his blanket since he tends to push some
of the food out of the bowl and I didn't want him licking the floor. I
relieved my dog in a quiet section of the parking lot. Offering your
dog more chances than usual to relieve is a good idea since your dog
might find the new environment slightly stressful.
Danielle and Thai
On 12/8/14, Jack Rupert via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> As I first stated not only do I use a guide dog I have other physical health
> Conditions to need a first floor room and as for telling motel you are using
> A guide dog that is my preferred booking procedure. Most motels only have
> A few handicap rooms with walk in showers and they are mostly on the first
> Floor. As a disabled senior veteran this is just part of my age group that
> I prefer to inform. As long as ADA is compiled to that is all that I really
> Concerned with.
> I play golf competitive and even private golf clubs normally allow me to
> Have my guide ride on my golf cart. If not the USBGA has dog sitters for us
> To use.
> All that really matters does the business and yourself comply with ADA
> rules.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Howard J. Levine
> via nagdu
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 2:04 PM
> To: 'Becky Frankeberger'; 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of
> Guide Dog Users'; 'Buddy Brannan'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] guide dogs in hotels
> Hi from Howard and Rhett, I would not tell the hotel that I have a guide dog
> and I find place off the hotel grounds for the dog to his thing. I look for
> a road that is safe or public place or city land such as road curb, that way
> can't say you can't let your dog go there. The hotel does not halfto let you
> use there area for your dog, but can't stop you from having your guide dog
> in hotel room.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Becky
> Frankeberger via nagdu
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 2:13 PM
> To: 'Buddy Brannan'; 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide
> Dog Users'
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] guide dogs in hotels
> And never pay a pet deposit. Your dog is not a pet. I matter of factly ask
> where there is grass and I will need a handy out door garbage can. One hotel
> put the garbage can by the front door. Handy for me, but stincky for the
> other guests, lolol. You don't need to be in a pet room either.
> My husband would throw his dirty t shirt on the floor and that is where his
> first dog would stay all night. His second sleeps in the bed. We have been
> to dozens of hotels and never was asked to pay extra cleaning fees with two
> dogs.
> Becky and Jake who forgot to read someone's blog about crocheting, oopse.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Buddy Brannan via
> nagdu
> Sent: Monday, December 08, 2014 6:58 AM
> To: JACK RUPERT Sr.; NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide
> Dog Users
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] guide dogs in hotels
> I couldn't disagree with you more. Unless you have some specific need for
> some specific kind of room, there's no need to alert the hotel ahead of time
> that you have a service dog. You cannot be denied accommodation on the basis
> of your service dog. However, you are liable for any damage, blah blah blah.
> The biggest challenge, i've found, is finding a place to tie your dog down,
> as the beds generally don't have legs, and you want to be sure you tie down
> to something pretty solid. My dog doesn't wander at night, but I like to
> keep my dog tied down or confined for my own piece of mind where and as
> possible. I just got a soft sided crate, and Leno loves it. The only other
> thing I might caution...if you're in the habit of letting your dog sleep in
> your bed, I think it might be a good idea not to allow this in a hotel. It's
> that whole excuse for extra cleaning thing, you know. Of course, I know
> other people may disagree with this.
> --
> Buddy Brannan, KB5ELV - Erie, PA
> Phone: 814-860-3194
> Mobile: 814-431-0962
> Email: buddy at brannan.name
>> On Dec 8, 2014, at 9:49 AM, JACK RUPERT Sr. via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> It's always a good idea to contact the motel prior to arrival so that they
>> know that you have a service animal with young.
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On Dec 8, 2014, at 8:44 AM, Emily Michael via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> In January, I'll be traveling with my chorus for a weekend retreat in
>>> Orlando - an exciting few days of workshops, performances, and seminars!
>>> This will be my first time "away from home" with York, and I welcome any
>>> travel tips you have. Are there any do's and don'ts of staying in hotels?
>>> Should I contact the hotel in advance to say that York is coming with me?
>>> Do you bring a crate for your dog, or just a bed?
>>> I welcome any wisdom you have gathered!
>>> With best,
>>> Emily & York
>>> ---
>>> Emily K. Michael
>>> emily.k.michael at gmail.com
>>> Blog: http://areyouseeingthis.wordpress.com/
>>> "Nowhere, Love, will world exist but within."
>>> - Rainer Maria Rilke
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