[nagdu] Georgia Guide Dog Users Meeting, April 12
Marj Schneider
marjschneider at bellsouth.net
Mon Mar 10 16:05:30 UTC 2014
Georgia Guide Dog Users
Spring Membership Meeting
On Saturday April 12, Georgia Guide Dog Users will return to Atlanta
to the Center for the Visually Impaired, 739 West Peachtree Street NW
We will be holding a meeting from 10:30 AM until 3:00 PM. Save the
date and invite other guide dog users you know to attend.
Our morning session will be taken up with GGDU business, which will
include discussion of recent access issues, relief areas at airports
and elections in our national organization. The morning will conclude
with an interactive discussion of grooming, what works and what doesn't.
Lunch will be at CVI. Call or email GGDU President Betsy Grenevitch
by April 9 to order a Chick-fil-A box lunch at $10. Beverages will be
provided. Contact Betsy at, <blindangel at joimail.com> or 770-464-0450.
At 1:30 we will hear from Lisa Ducworth, a puppy raiser and speaker
for Patriot Paws, an organization that trains service dogs for
veterans nationwide with mobility disabilities and PTSD. The Patriot
PAWS Service Dogs program addresses a number of needs in the
community. Disabled veterans regain lost independence and emotional
stability. Prison inmates, who have an active part in training the
service dogs, have the opportunity to learn a new vocation and give
back to society while incarcerated. Rescue and shelter dogs are
given a new lease on life and will help to change people's lives.
Since returning to South Carolina in 2012, Lisa Ducworth has been a
puppy raiser for Patriot Paws. Her prior experience was with training
dogs for Patriot Paws with its prison program. She brings much to
share with us about her experiences with Patriot Paws.
If you have questions or would like more information about this
event, contact President Betsy Grenevitch at,
<blindangel at joimail.com> or 770-464-0450.
You are welcome to attend, whether you are a guide dog user or not.
We encourage anyone with an interest in guide dogs to participate in
our events.
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