[nagdu] Law Regarding Attacks on Service Dogs
Danielle Burton
danielleburton94 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 14:57:41 UTC 2014
Thank, you everyone. I do not think it will be a huge issue because we've lived here for years and my Dad lived in our house when he was 10 years old. So, I'm sure most of our neighbors will be respectful but I do live way out in the country when not at school. No sidewalks just a main road. Not too hard travel either because the traffic is easy to har a mile away around here. But if you live in the country there are no1shall laws. Or if they are they're not enforced. Police do not make very many trips out here unless someone calls them. However, when I'm in school I stay on campus through the week. And I must say college students driving makes me nervous sometimes. I've when to cross a street and then had ns pass in front of me out of nowhere because they came from my right side which isyou worst ear. I can cross that particular street safely 95 percent of the time but like I said collge students driving on campus do not always give the right of way. As someone who is deaf-blind that's terrifying knowing you didn't hear the traffic. When I cross busy 4 ways I think theyare going. to teach me how to use commyication cards along with the dog tce itis. my responsibility to know when to crss the street. I can tell immediately almost if I will be able to cross a street safely or not but I still get alittle. nervous about it. I've been pulled back before several times forthose. really quiet cars thatI. can't hear. Not hybrids but just really quiet.
sei grew up here
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> On Mar 20, 2014, at 7:11 PM, "Larry D. Keeler" <lkeeler at comcast.net> wrote:
> Never heard of such a thing!
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Danielle Burton" <danielleburton94 at gmail.com>
> To: "the National Association of Guide Dog Users NAGDU Mailing List" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 6:54 PM
> Subject: [nagdu] Law Regarding Attacks on Service Dogs
>> Hi, everyone. Before I get my first guide dog this June I have a question regarding attacks on service dogs. I live in Kentucky and the law regarding attacks is not very clear. Can anyone tell me what the federal law is regarding attacks from other dogs on a service dq? Also, what is Kentucky's law regarding this? I live in an area where most of the neighbor's dogs run loose. I would like to address this issue beforehand. Sent from my iPhone
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