[nagdu] Labs as Drama Queens WAS Re: Sore paw?
Daryl Marie
crazymusician at shaw.ca
Fri May 2 12:36:08 UTC 2014
I laughed out loud when you described Amelia's reaction to comments about gray and white fur on her muzzle... priceless!
Jenny saw the vet yesterday, and the vet laughed out loud when I put one of the PAWZ booties on Jenny's paw, then Jenny hopped around the office for about thirty seconds, almost like saying "This paw is useless!" Then she realized she wasn't getting any sympathy and walked normally. Drama!!! LOL
The vet looked at her foot, said it's healing nicely. It's hard for a scab to form on doggie's paw pads because they're constantly walking on it, but she says we're doing the right stuff... just keep her from licking it and put on the PAWZ bootie if we're going on rougher terrain... hard to tell that sometimes, but I have a pretty good idea of some streets that have more dust and gravel on them. Paid $40 for the consult, but I'm not a vet, so better safe than sorry!
Sleepy Daryl and happy Jenny who is contentedly chewing on a HUGE bone
----- Original Message -----
From: Courtney Vuoncino <eveningstar415 at hotmail.com>
To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
Sent: Thu, 01 May 2014 14:14:32 -0600 (MDT)
Subject: Re: [nagdu] Sore paw?
Hi, Daryl!
I'm so glad to hear that Jenny is feeling better. If I remember correctly,
she is a black Lab? Well, my Amelia is half black Lab and half Golden
Retriever and I think Labs excel at the drama. LOL Amelia hides her head
behind my knee or covers her snout with her paws while she is lying down if
anyone mentions that she has some gray and white fur on her snout and under
her chin. LOL It's quite priceless!
As far as booties-Amelia will sit down and stare at me as if I've committed
some injustice toward her by putting those vile things on her paws. LOL She
seems to prefer nothing coming between her paws and the concrete. That
sounds like an ad for something, doesn't it? "Girls like Amelia want nothing
to come between their powerfully pretty paws and the surface they're walking
on." LOL
Giggling Court and Sunning Amelia
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