[nagdu] shedding season

Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire via nagdu nagdu at nfbnet.org
Tue May 13 07:46:59 UTC 2014

Hi, all,
The weather here in Colorado once again has left its mark for shedding season.
I just spent probably almost an hour and a half in the bedroom grooming my partner.
Regardless, I do it all for him because he's my best friend and has earned it all in love.
I like for him to smell fresh and have a shiny coat.
despite that Odie is now ten and a half years old, he has small amounts of grey hair.
It does come off when he's brushed.
I also use the furminator which does well removing a lot of the loose hair.
I hope the weather here in Colorado will start to make up its mind and quit going back and forth.
I'm sure it drives Odie's coat nuts too since it can't figure out if we're still in autumn, fall, winter, spring or summer.
Best of all, Odie also needed a massage too, so it was just as well grooming needed to happen.
Bibi and MAR sone Odie

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