[nagdu] first-time convention attendee (with a dog, that is)

Aleeha Dudley via nagdu nagdu at nfbnet.org
Thu May 29 01:27:50 UTC 2014

Hi all,
    As the subject line says, I will be attending my first convention
this summer with my guide from The Seeing Eye. This will be my third
convention, but first with Dallas. Are there any tips or tricks that
you guys have used in the past to keep yourself and your dog calm
throughout what I am sure is a stressful experience? How do you deal
with dogs who might not be under the best control? What is your
strategy for an aggressive dog that approaches you? These ar just a
couple of questions, but I know I have a lot more that will crop up.
I'm sure convention with a dog is a great experience, albeit
different. I do not want to borrow trouble, but I do want to be
prepared. I would love to hear different people's experiences.
Aleeha Dudley and Dallas
email: blindcowgirl1993 at gmail.com

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