[nagdu] For your information
Marsha Drenth via nagdu
nagdu at nfbnet.org
Fri May 30 20:10:58 UTC 2014
hi, I'm going to respond to a couple of different messages in this one.
Kathy, yes I have a husband and a very nice support system. They are being great. Thank you for asking, and thank you for the prayers.
Nicole, I use a normal harness. And a leash. There's no other equipment that I use. My right hand, is used for more collections. But like whenever I need to do something with my left hand. My right hand holds the leash. My dog gets very distracted very easily. Especially if I am not holding onto the lease. She can maintain some sort of calmness and attention without me holding onto the leash. We've been working on the this for a while. Of course, when I had a normal hand. I could use my right hand to open doors and walk-through with my dog. Now I have to drop the handle of the harness, and hold the door open with my left hand and get the dogs through too. It's been a bit challenging. Just thought that someone right have some tricks and tips.
Thank you,
Marsha drenth
email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com
Sent with my IPhone
Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone. As such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate errors. Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary.
> On May 29, 2014, at 10:41 PM, Nicole Torcolini via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Marsha,
> Oh dear. I hope that it is nothing serious. I won't comment on not
> going to the doctor sooner *smile*, but I might be able to provide some tips
> on working your dog with one hand. How do you usually use your right hand in
> guide work? Do you already have a method for holding the leash in your left
> hand at the same time as holding the harness handle? Do you use any
> additional equipment, such as a head collar, on your dog that might make
> this process different?
> Nicole and Lexia
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Marsha Drenth via
> nagdu
> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2014 6:16 PM
> To: the National Association of Guide Dog Users NAGDU Mailing List
> Subject: [nagdu] For your information
> hi list members, I'm emailing tonight to let you know what is going on
> with me. I'm to ask that you be patient with me. On Monday evening I took a
> minor fall off the curb. I was working my puppy at the time, and slipped off
> of a curb. I landed on my bum and my wrist and elbow took the brunt of my
> fall. So Tuesday I woke up and was fine. Wednesday I woke up and my wrist
> was very painful and swollen. So as a person, who does not like to go to
> doctors, unless I am dying, I waited and thought I could get over the pain
> and swelling. Today I went to the urgent care. As of right now I don't have
> a break, only because there's so much swelling. that is not to say that
> there won't be a break. Or that there isn't a break already. But with an
> x-ray that they were not able to see if there was a break. In other words,
> when I am trying to say, is that I am now only down to one hand. I'm not
> allowed to type or anything like that with my right hand. Of course this
> would've had to been my dominant hand. :-) The hand that I do everything
> with. So, my point, is that you're all going to need to be very patient with
> me. I was my signature says I'm using dictation to write this email. If I
> make a mistake. It's because the dictation made the mistake. I am only doing
> the best that I can. If I misspell a word. Again it is that this dictation
> has made a mistake. I ask that you be patient with me. I will be in a splint
> until next week at some point. At that point I will then go back to an
> orthopedic doctor I have more x-rays. Hopefully by then we can determine if
> it's truly a break or not. I asked that everyone please pay attention to the
> rules. Do your part in being a good list member. That includes providing
> your name and email at the end of each of your email post. I will send the
> rules again as Justin email at some point in the very near future. Just in
> case those people who did not get the attachment, then can read it. If you
> do have any questions you're welcome to email me. But again I will be using
> dictation, and it might take me a little bit to get back to you. So with all
> of this information, does anyone have any ideas on how to take care, or how
> to work your puppy was only one hand? Any ideas would be greatly
> appreciated. Thank you,
> Marsha drenth
> email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com
> Sent with my IPhone
> Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone. As
> such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate errors.
> Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary.
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