[nagdu] Why i can't feed my dog raw.

Raven Tolliver ravend729 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 20 16:00:04 UTC 2014

It is possible that your ratios were off. You're only supposed to feed
ten percent bone. The rule is: if you think you're feeding enough
bone, you're probably feeding too much. Of course, the body always
gets rid of excess, so the bones definitely come out. Sometimes
they're broken down, and other times, they're not.
Since I feed my dog whole prey, there are all sorts of interesting
things in his poop--teeth, claws, beaks, fur, feathers, and
occasionally, bone fragments.
I would have suggested feeding less bony parts like beef or pork
roasts, hearts, and organs. Feeding only chicken seems illogical since
chicken is high in bone, 30-40%. Chicken backs are about 40 percent
bone alone. The least bony part is breast; I believe breasts are
actually ten percent. So if you want an idea of what 10% bone is,
that's your example right there. Whole rabbit is great because rabbits
are about 10% bone.
Some dogs need bone-in meat daily, while others don't. I definitely
only feed bone in meet 3 times a week at most.
Think about it this way, your dog shouldn't get anymore bone than she
does organ meat. Those ratios should be the same, or pretty darn
Of course, dogs starting out on raw generally get more bone, but every
dog is different.
I would personally give l-glutamine to fix whatever tummy problems
she's having. Pumpkin is biologically inappropriate, and I don't think
coconut oil will repair the intestinal tract.
If anyone is interested, I have a document that lists the breakdown of
different animals' body parts and the bone percentages. This has been
a great help to many new rawfeeders.

On 11/20/14, Danielle Burton via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Vivianna, have you tried a teaspoon of canned, plain pumpkin in her meal? I
> found this to help within a few days for my dog. Just a thought.
> Danielle and Willa
>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 9:24 AM, Vivianna via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> I wanted to tell you folks about my attempt to put my dog on a raw food
>> diet.
>> i am well aware that a raw food diet is the best for a dog so, in march i
>> decided to finally give it a try with this dog.  i had just moved into a
>> house and now have loads of freezer space as well as a back yard.
>> this dog has had digestive issues since i got her.  she is now 5 and a
>> half.
>> she loved it, ate everything i presented her with and seemed to be doing
>> well until august when i started noticing more large pieces of bone in her
>> stool.  (a good reason to always pick up after your dog, even if you have
>> a back yard).
>> i talked to the folks over at www.rawpaws.org and they suggested i pull
>> her off of everything but chicken as it's the easiest to digest.  so, i
>> did that but, nope, still bone, and more bone in the stool.
>> i talked to my vet and she said to feed her ground.  so, i tried that for
>> a couple weeks then added bone-in chicken back and, still bones.  i mean,
>> up to 5 or 6 big pieces in one stool.
>> i was getting concerne at this point.
>> i talked to the vet again and she suggested ii get a meat grinder.  now,
>> this is a fine idea , however, i travel a lot and can not lug a grinder
>> around with me.
>> so, i decided to put her back on dog food.  i looked at some dehydrated
>> foods and, they are either super costly or, i was not thrilled about the
>> ingredients.
>> so, i decided to try her on Orijen.
>> she has been on it now for 3 weeks and, it's like having a puppy back.
>> her energy level has gone way up.  she is playing with her toys again, she
>> is extremely super excited about working.  so much so that, i am still
>> having to hold onto the leash in my right hand when i tell her, forward.
>> she just explodes into the harness.
>> her stools are still not as firm as i would like so, i am continuing to
>> give her a teaspoon of coconut oil in her evening meal until it firms up.
>> just thought i would tell you all my story.
>> Vivianna
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