[nagdu] Some People are Inconsiderate
Dudley Hanks
dhanks at dudley-hanks.com
Mon Oct 13 23:31:22 UTC 2014
Re: spitball chucker
Actually, it was a female, and I'm a largish male (6' 2", 230 plus pounds),
so slapping faces just isn't in the picture.
As for employment, she is professionally employed at a local university, but
the incidents had nothing to do with the university. We both do volunteer
work for a separate non-profit organization.
And, going up the chain of command isn't that easy since she was the
committee chair at the time.
As I noted in a previous post, she is viewed by others as a "go getter" with
a hint of mischievousness, so one never knows if she is joking, or if she
suffers from a more serious disorder.
Interestingly, I ran into her at a local food court on the weekend.
I was standing in line at the McDonalds, and Mich was fidgeting more than
usual, and trying to turn around.
I'm a regular at the mall, and seldom have trouble, so I was a bit perplexed
as to why Mich was trying to turn around, sit behind me, etc.
When I got to the counter and placed my order, Mich gave a particularly hard
tug backwards, so I had to correct him.
Then, I heard the voice of this person say, "It's ok, Dudley, it's just
Then, she said, "I guess I shouldn't tease him."
I agreed, and told her that Mich would appreciate not having to be corrected
because of her silliness.
Having worked Guides for over two decades, I have long since quit marvelling
at how inconsiderate some sighted people can be. It seems that blind people
are among the last members of society others feel free to poke fun at,
discriminate against, try to bully, and humiliate. Perhaps it boils down to
that unpalatable mammalian instinct to exile or purge the ill and unfit.
I can only hope that the blind community will start to make strides towards
achieving the same increase in respect other socially-disadvantaged groups
have accomplished over the past few decades.
Dudley, with Michener
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Darla via nagdu
Sent: October-13-14 10:51 AM
To: 'Mark J. Cadigan'; 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of
Guide Dog Users'
Subject: [nagdu] Some People are Inconsiderate
Some dogs are very sensitive to foods dogs shouldn't have; sure wish I could
charge the vet bill if one is incurred but parking your dog where the
offender would have to clean up sounds attractive, but we don't always know.
With the proliferation of education, it makes me angry someone could
endanger our dogs in this inconsiderate way--common sense should tell your
that feeding someone's guide isn't the thing to do--but some people never
pass beyond concrete reasoning, I guess.
As for the guy throwing spitballs--and I do believe you said he was staff or
faculty--you can't imagine how fast I'd be going to his higher-ups, though
my first impulse would be to slap his face and tell him to quit acting
younger than the kids on campus.
Darla & Handsome Huck
-----Original Message-----
From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Mark J. Cadigan
via nagdu
Sent: Monday, October 06, 2014 12:35 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Subject: [nagdu] Some people are assholes
Some people are assholes. today; I was sitting on a bench making a phone
call. And there was another student on an adjacent bench eating a sub. My
dog was just lying by my feet not even looking at the other student, and
when the student was finished with his sub, without even asking, he threw
his leftover sub at my dog. Naturally, my dog seeing food flying at his
face, opened those big jaws of his, and swallowed it. My problem is that the
student was so inconsiderate to do that in the first place, and secondly
that grain makes my dog have the runs. Additionally, it was a meatball sub,
and tomatoes are bad for dogs.
What I am doing besides venting is asking what if anything I can do to
lessen the inevitable stomach upset, and should I be concerned by the amount
of tomatoes contained in ½ of a sub. Also, is it possible to teach a dog not
to accept food in that circumstance?
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