[nagdu] class -10 (Yikes!)
Tracy Carcione
carcione at access.net
Sun Oct 19 14:21:02 UTC 2014
I got this particular trainer on follow-up. Ben was crossing streets very
slowly, as young SE dogs are taught to do, though he seemed extra slow. I
wanted to get him to step it up a little bit; not rush, but not dawdle. The
trainer attached a leash to Ben's collar and ran across the street, making
both of us go much faster than we were comfortable going. I pulled back
instead of running. I credit this bit of silliness with giving me a rotator
cuff strain, which required therapy. I don't know why she thought it was a
good idea.
I believe I did complain to TSE, but it was a while back, and I don't
clearly remember who I told what.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marsha Drenth via nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net>; "NAGDU Mailing List,the National
Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2014 2:10 PM
Subject: Re: [nagdu] class -10 (Yikes!)
> Tracy,
> I am sure in the end it will be okay, but I do understand we all stress
> about one thing or another going into class. I also do hope that they will
> switch your instructor. If I might, and of course you don't have to
> answer, what did this instructor do to hurt you? Did you say anything to
> TSE after that happened? Everything will work out! Just a few more days
> right?
> I can't wait to hear what kind of dog you get...
> Marsha drenth
> email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com
> Sent with my IPhone
> Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone.
> As such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate
> errors. Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary.
>> On Oct 17, 2014, at 9:29 AM, Tracy Carcione via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> This is a sort of class journal entry. I'm not asking for advice, though
>> a little encouragement might not be amiss.
>> The class supervisor called yesterday to see if I had any questions. I
>> asked him what dogs they had in mind for me. A lab or a cross, of either
>> gender. So there's probably a retriever in my future, and not altogether
>> golden. I'm fine with that. I'd prefer a guy, but TSE has some very
>> nice girls, too. Maybe one of those ultra-cute microlabs. <smile>
>> Then I asked him who my instructor would be, and was dismayed to hear
>> that it was a person who did something stupid that actually hurt me when
>> she saw me on follow-up. I told him so, too, and he said he'd think
>> about switching instructors. I am not happy. I had a vague hope of
>> getting a good instructor who would actually teach me something new about
>> dog training. If that squirrel is the best they've got at the moment,
>> that hope is crushed.
>> I had 4 really great instructors early on in my guide dog life, 3 of whom
>> went on to become directors of training. I guess it gave me high
>> expectations, which haven't actually been met in almost 20 years now.
>> Well, I guess I've got enough experience to get by with only a few
>> helpful hints from the trainer. I'm just disappointed, and stressing
>> about the whole thing.
>> A friend reminds me that everybody stresses about something in class.
>> Last time for me, it was what to wear to lunch, when we're supposed to
>> dress nicely. This time, it's a quality trainer, which seems like a lot
>> bigger worry to me. But there's not much I can do about it, except wait
>> around for someone I think is good, which I'm not going to do, having
>> already arranged time off and all. Ugh.
>> Tracy
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