[nagdu] FW: Guide Dog Board - April 20 Board Meeting Teleconference

Tina Thomas judotina48kg at gmail.com
Sat Apr 11 16:31:17 UTC 2015

Subject: Guide Dog Board - April 20 Board Meeting Teleconference


Hello all, I apologize if this has gone out a few times, but it has come to
my attention that this notification may have failed when it was sent
yesterday.  Thank you for your understanding.  


Please see attached the agenda for the next meeting of the California State
Guide Dog Board.  The meeting will be held at 1:00pm via teleconference and
physically at the locations noted in the agenda.  


Please contact me if you have any questions or if you require a reasonable
accommodation to access the meeting.  


Brian Skewis

Executive Officer

California State Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind

Office: 916-574-7825

Email: brian.skewis at dca.ca.gov <mailto:brian.skewis at dca.ca.gov>  


Monday, April 20, 2015 

1:00 p.m. - Completion of Business

Teleconference Phone Number: 1-866-706-2450

Participant Code: 91486005


Department of Consumer Affairs 

1625 N. Market Blvd N-112

Sacramento, CA 95834


Eric Holm

820 Mission Avenue, #12

San Rafael, CA 94901


Carmen Delgado

1921 Bella Colla Drive

South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150


Don Brown

1947 Center Street

Berkeley, CA 94704


Catherine Carlton

113A Long Mei Village

Sai Kung, NT, Hong Kong


Gwen Marelli

555 W. Fifth Street

Los Angeles, CA  90013

Board Members

Eric Holm, President

Carmen Delgado, Vice President

Joe Xavier, Secretary

Don Brown

Catherine Carlton

Gwen Marelli

Joan Patche

Executive Officer

Brian Skewis


Board Staff

Rosemary Robinson


Legal Counsel

Claire Yazigi

Sabina Knight




1.      Call to Order/Roll Call 


2.      President's Welcome 


3.      Swearing in of new Board Member Joan Patche


4.      Approval of the January 20, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes 


5.      Executive Officer's Report

a. Budget Report

b. Examination Update

c. Regulations Update

d. Outreach Update


6.      Presentation on International Guide Dog Federation (IGDF)
Accreditation by IGDF Chair James Kutsch


7.      Agenda Items for Next Meeting 


8.      2015 Meeting Calendar and Locations 


9.      Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda 


10.  Adjournment 

Action may be taken on any item on the agenda. Agenda items may be taken out
of order. Meetings of the Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind are open to the
public except when specifically noticed otherwise in accordance with the
Open Meeting Act. The meeting is accessible to the physically disabled. A
person who needs a disability-related accommodation or modification in order
to participate in the meeting may make a request by contacting Brian Skewis
at (916) 574-7825 or by e-mail at  <mailto:Brian.Skewis at dca.ca.gov>
Brian.Skewis at dca.ca.gov or send a request to 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite
N-112, Sacramento, CA 95834. Providing your request at least five (5)
business days before the meeting will help ensure availability of the
requested accommodation.


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