[NAGDU] Tips please
d m gina
dmgina at samobile.net
Wed Dec 30 22:30:47 UTC 2015
Yes I do leave the collar on.
I will shorten up her leash, What a fine tip.
Yes we get out going to different places by van even the mall.
Or the larger stores.
Pilot knows all about Montana winter.
they said it is fine to do what I need to do then get out and walk when
the walks are safe.
Even cab drivers tell me I would land on my landing if I walked on the ice.
Glad to know that.
We got more snow yesterday.
So we are in winter months here.
Thanks again.
I will write to you privately for questions if that is ok.
I know half a heart working means in my case the front part has slowed
way down the back is trying to work both.
I got out with my cane, where with a dog you walk differently.
She is excited that I have a dog again.
Even for the companionship.
My girl is little 18 inches tall.
Very round. This is part of the English lab.
Thanks again,
I know this will work out.
Original message:
> Can you leave the head collar on her? It should be fine, especially since
> you are right there with her all the time. You don't have to attach the
> leash to the head collar all the time. I'm just thinking that if you left
> the collar on, it would eliminate the struggle of getting it back on when
> you need it. Of course head collars affect different dogs in different ways
> and she may mope about with it on.
> Exercise is important, but guide work is only one option. It's been
> horrible cold, snowy and icy here. I haven't been out much in the past
> week. So for exercise and mental stimulation I taught Jetta to go through a
> cardboard box tunnel. Totally useless for anything but entertainment, but
> it does get her moving and thinking.
> Other ideas for exercise...games of fetch, a run on a long leash in deep
> snow, games of hide and seek, a treadmill or teaching tricks.
> Another idea about collars and giving corrections...I shortened up Jetta's
> leash so there is only a couple of inches of slack in it when she's working.
> It's similar to the Seeing Eye working leash. Then when she dives to sniff
> she corrects herself. The leash in your right hand can also work.
> I think most of the issue is her age. With time and consistency it should
> work itself out. That probably doesn't help much, sorry for that.
> Julie
> Courage to Dare: A Blind Woman's Quest to Train her Own Guide Dog is now
> available! Get the book here:
> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QXZSMOC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: d m gina via NAGDU
> Sent: Wednesday, December 30, 2015 2:52 PM
> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
> Cc: d m gina
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Tips please
> Hello to everyone
> I have half a heart when she starts jerking her head around to let me
> know she wants nothing to do on her nose, my heart after a struggle slows
> down
> If there are others on the list with this same problem, please speak up.
> Please share what you do.
> I know the day will come when she will decide this isn't worth doing
> this any more.
> I don't have the halty if she wishes nothing over the nose I don't want
> to lose money.
> I have done gentle leader as well as can't think of the name.
> I received a message from a person last night that was not called for.
> It was private, they would have been scolded if it hit the list.
> I know how I was trained, where when the tricks of the trade don't
> work, then you trade tricks.
> She is in a spot where it is will against will.
> Smile,
> we call er Molly because we leave a long leash on her letting it drag
> in the house so we know where she is.
> Or I have it on my arm where she is under the desk.
> This has helped some.
> I just found a cord she thought might work for dinner.
> Glad she didn't chew it all the way threw.
> She can't climb on the desk any more because the leash tells on her.
> I have lots of patients with her.
> Again please heart patients come forward, it is ok to share what to do next.
> We want to live as long as we can.
> Original message:
>> Sometimes, you just have to stick it out and prove to the dog that he
>> doesn’t have a choice in wearing the gentle leader.
>> I agree with others that either the gentle leader, a micro prong, and/or
>> the chest strap from Pilot would help in this case. Plus, lots and lots
>> of obedience around food and good smells to reinforce who’s the boss.
>> Your dog is young and still has some growing up to do, so all of this will
>> take time.
>> Cait
>>> On Dec 30, 2015, at 9:24 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Dar.
>>> What do you mean by "she doesn't like anything on her nose"?
>>> Most dogs kick up a fuss about the Gentle Leader, but, when they see it's
>>> not coming off, they give up. On the other hand, my Ben didn't fuss
>>> about
>>> it, but would walk like a snail when he had it on, so I gave up.
>>> Did Pilot issue you a GL? Could you put it on her and leave it on for a
>>> bit, at home, where she couldn't cause you too much grief? Maybe put it
>>> on,
>>> and have her do obedience, or walk around with you, in or near your home.
>>> Krokus is an awful scavenger, but the GL does tone it down to a
>>> manageable
>>> level. It also calms him down when he feels like bounding along. If you
>>> can convince Penny to wear it, it sounds like it would help.
>>> Tracy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of d m gina via
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 3:51 PM
>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Cc: d m gina
>>> Subject: [NAGDU] Tips please
>>> I want to start by saying I am a heart patient, where after a good
>>> struggle
>>> I get quite tired.
>>> I have my girl wearing the artin gale collar.
>>> She doesn't like anything on her nose at all. Doesn't matter what it is.
>>> She is a bit strong for me and I have to listen to my body.
>>> Her nose lives on the ground or in a building of choice we are in at the
>>> time.
>>> Making her sit, she realizes she lies down then she can sniff floor and
>>> pick
>>> up what is down there.
>>> It can become quite frustrating.
>>> Then there are days when she won't give me grief over it at all.
>>> I don't want to keep buying stuff if I have to keep fighting her.
>>> just thought I would send out a message and get some tips.
>>> She wil also decide to pull hard like a truck, and your arm is wishing
>>> she
>>> would stop.
>>> Other days she will walk nicely.
>>> Thanks for reading.
>>> --
>>> --Dar
>>> skype: dmgina23
>>> FB: dmgina
>>> www.twitter.com/dmgina
>>> every saint has a past
>>> every sinner has a future
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> --
> --Dar
> skype: dmgina23
> FB: dmgina
> www.twitter.com/dmgina
> every saint has a past
> every sinner has a future
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