[nagdu] Working indoors during the harsh winter
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Fri Feb 27 16:51:29 UTC 2015
You are not alone! /lol/ No mall here, either, just Wal-Mart, and I need
a driver to get there. Very sad state of affairs, I tell you. And I do
feel weird just wandering around there with no intention to buy
anything. It's totally different from wandering around a mall with no
intention to buy. Hm...
There's also a college here, though it's quite a long walk to get there.
It has some good challenges, but again I feel weird walking around there
when I'm not taking classes or even intending to go to the coffee shop
or bookstore. We just don't have enough in the budget these days to
spend money we don't need to just to justify walking around... It's
I'll be using those same venues to train Loki as time goes by, but I
feel differently about that for some reason than I do about just taking
my trained working guide to keep up her training. /shrug/
On 02/27/2015 03:46 AM, Julie J. via nagdu wrote:
> No ideas for you, but I will be interested to see what others come up
> with. I left my job in November to do freelance. Some weeks have been
> busy with meetings and teaching and whatnot, but then I can go a couple
> of weeks with practically nothing. We don't have a mall here. The
> biggest indoor retail store is probably Wal-Mart and that requires a
> driver to get to.
> Also, does anyone else feel like you have to buy something when you go
> to a store by yourself? I wouldn't at a mall because there are nonstore
> areas to walk in, but in any of the small local shops that I frequent, I
> feel like I should buy something because I am getting assistance to
> browse their store. Obviously I do not always purchase stuff, but the
> pressure is there. am I alone?
> Congratulations on your graduation Raven!
> Julie
> Courage to Dare: A Blind Woman's Quest to Train her Own Guide Dog is now
> available! Get the book here:
> http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QXZSMOC
> Visit my new website on developing courage and living authentically:
> http://www.falling-up.com
> -----Original Message----- From: Raven Tolliver via nagdu
> Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 4:27 AM
> To: nagdu
> Subject: [nagdu] Working indoors during the harsh winter
> Hi!
> Does anyone have ideas for places to work your dog during the harsh winter.
> Currently, I work from home. I have graduated from college, so no more
> hustle and bustle between classes, and needless to say, the winter
> here in Michigan is a pain in the posterior. I don't wanna have to
> work in ice, snow, wind, and frigid temps if I don't have to, but I
> would also like to continue working the Golden Guy.
> He gets plenty of exercise from play. Believe me, we have a giant
> backyard, and he goes out there to play in the 2 feet of snow out
> back, but I know how much he loves working, and it's good just to keep
> that up anyway.
> I went to the mall the other day to work him, and he does great. I
> just wish I knew of an alternative. Malls are like mazes, and I find
> them a bit stressful to navigate. I've been spoiled by online
> shopping. Lol!
> If they are the best option, I will bite the bullet and do it. I
> understand this is more about my dog than me.
> Any ideas?
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