[nagdu] My short answer lol Was differences between service dogs and pets

Dailyah dailyahpatt at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 28 01:53:11 UTC 2015

A service dog needs to be considered a furry, lovable, piece of durable medical equipment.  Unlike a walker, this medical equipment has a personality and so will have specific needs in order for the team to continue working well enough to meet handler expectations. How those needs - and the subsequent requirements of the handler - differ from those of someone who cares for and lives with a pet seem like they entirely depend on what that same person would expect of a pet!
Personally, I'll confess that I don't actually like "pets".  If I'm going to care for it and everything, that animal needs to DO something.  This means that I have a working cat.  He still does work with clients now and then and regularly for me at home.  He's not allowed in the general public with me now, but knowing myself I worked hard to find a candidate I could socialize and train.  I DO now let others give him treats and let him have visits at other houses, but historically I've held him to the same standards as my dog(s).  (Which, incidentally, are similar to what I expect of people at my home once they've reached a certain age!!!)  We wait to eat. No scratching, biting, etc. Loose leash walking. Come when called.  Let me mess with teeth, ears, paws. Don't eat off the floor.  All that stuff - which includes practicing and performing the disability-related tasks when called upon.  
Yes, it's work!  As we all know, though, the amount of work we put in the keep them behaving well and doing their jobs is more than made up for by how how much care they take of us.  I don't think it's a "pet"/"service animal" question.  It's one of expectations...and hopefully people have both reasonable and high expectations for their dogs.  The problem I see is Joe Public not giving the family dog enough credit and so NOT giving the dog a job and holding them responsible!  Dogs need - and want - jobs!  (Some cats, too!)
Dailyah with Riley the dog and Pogo-kitty

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