[nagdu] What's up with all the scavenging anyhow?
S L Johnson
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
Wed Jul 1 19:52:23 UTC 2015
I use treats when teaching Eva to find new places or when learning a new
task. She knows that she must not grab anything off the ground or from
anyone else. She will not grab treats out of my hand but will wait for me
to say she can have it. I've used treats with all my dogs for the past
forty years and have not noticed any serious scavenging problems. If one of
them did scavenge, a firm quick correction usually solved the problem. It
didn't take them long to learn that grabbing things would get them into
trouble. I only had one dog who was an impossible scavenger. She would
stop in traffic to grab stuff. That little brat of a yellow lab had a
career change four months after we left class. I refuse to work a dog who
will put my life in danger just because she wants to scavenge or be
distracted. I think a lot of behaviors begin when the dogs are young
puppies. That goes back to the puppy raiser thinking the puppy is cute and
not correcting for these bad behaviors. I would not let my dog carry
anything while working. They could become distracted and put you in danger
if they happened to drop it and stopped to pick it up again in the middle
of the street. Also, I think it would look very unprofessional for a
properly working guide dog.
Sandra and Eva
-----Original Message-----
From: Daryl Marie via nagdu
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 5:02 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: Daryl Marie
Subject: Re: [nagdu] What's up with all the scavenging anyhow?
My dog does (have a mild scavenging problem, but it was much much more
severe when we first got home. If she is stressed, she tends to revert back
to it, but the severity is NOTHING like it was.
We never used treats during training, either during the formal guide dog
training or in my in-home placement, with one exception; I did use treats if
she did perform a task she had struggled with for days/weeks. I don't think
that occasional treat made her a scavenger...
----- Original Message ----- From: Vivianna via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> To:
NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
<nagdu at nfbnet.org> Cc: Vivianna <irishana at gmail.com> Sent: Tue, 30 Jun 2015
23:50:30 -0600 (MDT) Subject: [nagdu] What's up with all the scavenging
anyhow? ok, here goes a contraversial post. i am reading a load of posts
about folks having problems with their dogs grabbing things off the ground.
it seems that, this is the most common problem that folks seem to be having
with the second being dog distractions. do you think that, since many
schools are using food to train the dogs that this problem has come up? i
have had several guides and have never had a dog try and carry things
around. i also never use food as a reward for my dog. i am just so totally
against feeding my dog treats in order to get her to guide me properly.
from what i read, dogs are grabbing things off the ground while actually
guiding, while lying on a bus or train, in restaurants, in stores, while
relieving, etc. for me, and, this is just my own preference, i could not
work with a dog that did this. i can put up with some behaviors but, this is
definitely not one of them. folks seem to think that itâ?Ts ok to treat the
dog for good behavior and then they wonder why heâ?Ts so focused on food. i
have even had 3 labs and, they didnâ?Tt want to carry things around. for a
pet, yeah, maybe itâ?Ts cute to see the dog carrying around toys in public,
but, a guide dog? this should be a professionally trained dog doing a
professional job, looking out for the handler. i think that, if the dogs
were trained without the use of treats this would be way less common. this
is all only my opinion and things that i, personally could not handle. i
have probably offended some but, maybe, i may just caused some to think
about the food-based training a bit. Vivianna
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