[nagdu] Switching foods

Daryl Marie crazymusician at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 13 03:34:06 UTC 2015

I am switching Jenny's protein source in her food. She's been on a chicken, turkey, salmon formula for about a year now, and I've posted before about seasonal allergies that might not be seasonal.  I took her to the vet this weekend and she does have a mild yeast infection in her ears (whether that's due to food or exaserbated by the heat, I don't know).  I've been generally advised to serve a limited ingredient diet and definitely switch her protein (avoiding chicken in particular), so I got a small bag of a limited ingredient venison diet.
I have a few questions:
1) Should I do a gradual switch (which is generally recommended) or a complete one immediately?
2) I am not completely sold on how truly limited a diet this new food is, so if I don't like it for her, or if I want to switch her to something else, how soon is too soon to tell?
3) If I do switch, should I try and re-introduce turkey or salmon?
4) One dog food brand I saw had dried whole eggs... is that good for dogs?

Thanks, guys!


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