[nagdu] Defiant poodles running away from corrections
Danielle Ledet
singingmywayin at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 18:28:58 UTC 2015
Whatever you decide for you and your family I hope it works for you
and gets you a workable resolution.
On 6/25/15, Kerri Stovall via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi all, Danielle, thank you for your reply. I do have 2 crates, one for
> each dog, mine and my hubby's poodle too, but they are the metal wire ones.
> And yes, they do quiet down if we bang the top peoplenoortion of the grate,
> the thing is though, the crates are in our bedroom because we have furniture
> lining every wall of the living area, so there's not a convenient place to
> put them in the open living room that we know of at this time. However, I
> could put her in the crate for a few moments when she does bark, and yes, I
> have thought also about going back to being on leash with her by my side 100
> percent of the time, or 99 at least. lol. I also have a tie down in the
> livingroom where we have a 36 inch dog bed, just enough for the two dogs to
> lie comfortably on the bed together, and the tie downs are far enough apart
> not to tangle, and we'd never leave them unattended there, we'd leave them
> in the crates if we ever had to go anywhere alone without them, but we'd try
> not to do that either. lol. So I think the best approach is what you all
> have suggested, distract her with obedience exercises or a game of some sort
> to occupy her mind and focus it somewhere else other than the doorbell or
> the air conditioner coming on, lol. I think all of you had a good angle on
> how to approach it and they are all worth the good college try. Thank you
> all for posting. Kerri and Sadie
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 25, 2015, at 11:02 AM, Danielle Ledet via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> Try getting a crate for your dog. Keep her in it for a while and that
>> way when she barks, you have the added benefit of banging on the crate
>> should the "Quiet!" not get her attention. They don't like the noise
>> and will quiet. Make sure you get one sized for her where she has just
>> enough room to turn around and lie down. Plastic ones work best for
>> this. That's what I did with my barker though her "Come" was pretty
>> reliable. I didn't want to totally eliminate her barking because it
>> was a help when I was alone to let me know to perk up and pay
>> attention. I can't imagine life with two barkers though. Also, you
>> could go back to the leash with her constantly at your side and should
>> she start up barking, distract her with a round of obedience or puppy
>> pushups. Roxe, I realy like your approach. Kerri, that's a smart dog.
>> They're just like children, aren't they? Both children and dogs need
>> to mind and receive correction from time to time, eh? Tammy your
>> poodles are a funny handful. Raven, good post.
>>> On 6/25/15, Tracy Carcione via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> I am having good success reinforcing Come with random treats. Sometimes
>>> he
>>> gets one, and sometimes not; he never knows. Now, even if sometimes I
>>> call
>>> him with a stern voice, he will come running, unless he's totally
>>> engaged
>>> in
>>> something, in which case I can go and get him. It's a work in progress,
>>> but
>>> so far it's going well.
>>> Tracy
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Debby
>>> Phillips
>>> via nagdu
>>> Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2015 9:27 AM
>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users;
>>> nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Cc: Debby Phillips; spedangel84 at gmail.com
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Defiant poodles running away from corrections
>>> Just wondering, when you give the command to come when she's in trouble,
>>> does your tone change? Dogs do pick up on our tones.
>>> Come is a tricky thing. Sometimes we need them to come because we have
>>> to
>>> give them a pill, or stop some behavior, or whatever.
>>> But at the same time, come needs to be positive. If you call a dog to
>>> come
>>> in a harsh voice, the dog for sure won't come. So even though you may
>>> be
>>> annoyed, make your tone light and playful.
>>> There has to be something good in it for the dog. Peace,
>>> Debby and Nova
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