[nagdu] Pickup The Poop

Ed Meskys edmeskys at roadrunner.com
Thu Mar 26 01:05:02 UTC 2015

The laws exempting us from picking up predate the invention of plastic bags. 
I got my first dog at SE August 1972, and was not taught to pick up. One of 
my classmates had a friend who had graduated from GDF, and said she had been 
taught to pickup. She described what is now the standard procedure, wear a 
baggie over your hand, find the poop, and invert the baggie over it. I was 
not taught with my second dog either, 1984, tho they had mentioned the 
possibility. They finally taught us with my third dog in 1995, and for 
practice we first picked up wash cloths wet with warm water. SE is 
conservative, and it looks like GDF was innovative. Of course SE continued 
to teach pickup with my fourth dog in 2006.
EEd Meskys 

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