[nagdu] Allergies: was Zylkene?

Lori Dent RECENT
Sat Mar 28 04:17:08 UTC 2015

Hi Sandra,

I have had my guide Dog Gipp tested for food and environmental  allergies 
because he was scratching and itching  a lot and wouldn't  stop scratching 
himself he was miserable . So yes, allergy testing is expensive  but it was 
werth it in the end because I knew exactly what Gipp was allergic to and 
then we could take action and finally treat  Gipp accordingly to what he was 
allergic to.

Firstly Gipp isallergic to the meat protein   and the fillers in the leading 
dog foods that are out on the market. Gipp is on a prescription dog food 
that I can get only through my vet that is called Ultra  Allergeon  ZD. It's 
a expensive prescription dog food but it  has helped in regards to his food 
allergies . Gipp also has environmental allergies  a lot of them in fact 
including trees, grasses, weeds, and molds and other things that I can't 
think of right now.

Allergy  testing is expensive but it's the only way that you will know what 
exactly Eva is allergic to and I'm glad that I had my dog allergy tested 
for food and environmental allergies. In fact, I had Gipp allergy tested for 
food and environmental allergies twice. This was because   I found out that 
Gipp allergies had changed from when I had him allergy tested the first time 
to the second time I had him allergy tested.

Allergy testing is expensive but it's the only way to know what exactly your 
dog is allergic to.

Your dog could be very well allergic to something in the leading dog foods 
along with having environmental allergies.  You need to get to the underline 
cause of what your dog Eva is allergic to and in my opinion the only way is 
by doing  allergy testing.

When Gipps allergy testing results came back it showed exactly what my dog 
was allergic to from food to environmental allergies and what he could have 
in regards to food and treats. Gipp is on a prescription dog food that I can 
only get through my vet which is called Ultra Allergeon ZD and the treats 
that Gipp can have are blue buffilow  punkin and cinnamin bars.

I also in the Spring and Summer months have Gipp on allergy medication to 
help with his environmental allergies but you also got to be careful of the 
allergy  medications and the side effects that allergy medications could 
have on your dog. Plus if you don't want to do allergy medications  you 
could always do allergy shots for your dog.

Allergies  seem to get werse every year  werse than the year before  and it 
can be frustrating and miserable for our dogs and for us. Good luck  with 
whatever you decide to do. Take care.

Lori and the Gipppppppper 

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