[nagdu] (no subject)
melissa R green
graduate56 at juno.com
Sat Nov 14 23:55:50 UTC 2015
Greetings all. After a
successful and motivating
convention, we are inviting
you to join The Colorado
Asociation of Guide Dog
users(COAGDU). We will be
having a conference call
Sunday Nov. 15, 2015 at:
Call in number: 712-775-7031
Access code: 234368039
This is our first meeting
since the convention. The
agenda will include planning
activities for the upcoming
year, fundraising,
participating in other chapter
meetings such as the at large
chapter. Highlights of our
convention seminar and so much
more. If you are just someone
that is interested in guide
dogs, have a guide dog, or a
family member of a person who
has a guide dog. Then please
join us Sunday evening at
6:30PM. For advocacy,
fellowship, and support. Also
here you will find a copy of
our news letter. Enjoy.
More information about the NAGDU
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