November 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Sun Nov 1 17:49:30 UTC 2015
Ending: Mon Nov 30 20:29:07 UTC 2015
Messages: 424
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
- [nagdu] Really? Come on man!
Jody Ianuzzi
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Really? Come on man!
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Julie McGinnity
- [nagdu] Really? Come on man!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] More about Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Great Meeting with the Texas Association of Guide Dog Users!
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Office with rotten egg smell!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Office with rotten egg smell!
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Guide dogs and haunted houses
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
- [nagdu] Guide dogs and haunted houses
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] More about Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Marianne Denning
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Marianne Denning
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] Guide dogs and haunted houses
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Really? Haunted House?
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Haunted Houses, Concerts, Etc
Nimer Jaber
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Tara Briggs
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Office with rotten egg smell!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Small injury
- [nagdu] Small injury
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Small injury
Kaye Kipp
- [nagdu] Small injury
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Small injury
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Small injury
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Let it snow!!!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Hollistic Vet?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Small injury
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Taking Our Dogs To The Zoo
Tara Briggs
- [nagdu] Fund Raiser for COAGDU
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Let it snow!!!
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Small injury
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Small injury
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] She got it!
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Mambo update
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Small injury
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Taking your guide dog to parties?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Ear Infection Treatments
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Ear Infection Treatments
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Ear Infection Treatments
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Ear Infection Treatments
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Training dogs?
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Tara Briggs
- [nagdu] Ear Infection Treatments
Hannah Chadwick
- [nagdu] Odie's twelfth birthday
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Sonja O
- [nagdu] Odie's twelfth birthday
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Seeking support from handlers in Wisconsin
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Streaming Of the NFB of PA Annual Convention
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Tina Thomas
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Dobermans
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated: relieving issue, please help
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
valentinoma19 at
- [nagdu] Extremely frustrated relieving Issue
Christina Moore
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
Julie J.
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
- [nagdu] Educating businesses about their rights
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
- [nagdu] Educating businesses about their rights
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Cedarcide as Flea protection
Janice Toothman
- [nagdu] Our Dogs In the Winter
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Cedarcide as Flea protection
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Cedarcide as Flea protection
Julie J.
- [nagdu] The Holistic Vet clinic visit
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] The Holistic Vet clinic visit
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] The Holistic Vet clinic visit
- [nagdu] The Holistic Vet clinic visit
Chantel Cuddemi
- [nagdu] Snow, Snow, and, More Snow!!!
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
- [nagdu] This was interesting
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] This was interesting
Roanna Bacchus
- [nagdu] This was interesting
Marianne Denning
- [nagdu] This was interesting
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] This was interesting
S L Johnson
- [nagdu] This was interesting
Cindy ray
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] fake service dogs revisited
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Educating businesses about their rights
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Cindy ray
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
Cindy ray
- [nagdu] Restaurant workers with guide dogs, was RE: This was interesting
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Marsha Drenth
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Service Dog "Driver's License"?
Jody Ianuzzi
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Restaurant workers with guide dogs, was RE: This was interesting
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
S L Johnson
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Sean Moore
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Lori Dent
- [nagdu] Belly strap?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Introducing my team.
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
S L Johnson
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introducing my team
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] searching for a new vet.
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Guide dog owners list
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Leader Dog Patriot ( Ret. ) R.I.P.
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Leader Dog Patriot ( Ret. ) R.I.P.
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] (no subject)
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Texas has a guide dog division
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Marilyn tucci
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Texas has a guide dog division
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Marianne Denning
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
melissa R green
- [nagdu] I usually don't agree with separating a dog from their handler, but this article I definitely agree with authorities!
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Abby Bolling
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Bryan Gearry
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Kaye Kipp
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
The Pawpower Pack
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3strangers
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3strangers
S L Johnson
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3strangers
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3strangers
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3strangers
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Dog boots?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Patricia Homan
- [nagdu] Stressed dog?
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after itbites 3strangers
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after itbites 3strangers
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] FW: Criss Cole Announces One-Week Guide Dog Training - April 11-15th, 2016!
David Andrews
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Criminal Justice Major Extraordinaire
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
Matthew Dierckens
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
Deanna Lewis
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
Matthew Dierckens
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Blind woman ordered to give up guide dog after it bites 3 strangers
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] A Rational Article On "Fake" Service Dogs
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] A Rational Article On "Fake" Service Dogs
- [nagdu] A Rational Article On "Fake" Service Dogs
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] A Rational Article On "Fake" Service Dogs
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] The craft show!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Happy birthday Marilyn!
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] The craft show!
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Fell down
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Fell down
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Fell down
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Fell down
Craig Heaps
- [nagdu] Fell down
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Marianne Denning
- [nagdu] Denied service and NAGDU app
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Fell down
Jenine Stanley
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
- [nagdu] Fell down
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Homeopathy?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Homeopathy?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Rachel Grider
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
Kaye Kipp
- [nagdu] Fell down
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Fell down
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] guide dog book on BARD
Kaye Kipp
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] FYI FW: Letter from Kimberly Walton, Assistant Administrator, Civil Rights & Liberties, Ombudsman and Traveler Engagement, TSA, DHS
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] FYI FW: Letter from Kimberly Walton, Assistant Administrator, Civil Rights & Liberties, Ombudsman and Traveler Engagement, TSA, DHS
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Snow storm!
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
Nancy Irwin
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
Ann Edie
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Kaye Kipp
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
Craig Heaps
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Raul A. Gallegos
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Aleeha Dudley
- [nagdu] Standing Heel position
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
William Vandervest
- [nagdu] Transitioning to the Cane was Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
Nancy VanderBrink
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Guide Dogs and Ambulances
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Rachel Grider
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Steven Johnson
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Stacie Hardy
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Jody Ianuzzi
- [nagdu] A blast from the past
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Transitioning to the Cane was Humor for blind people
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Transitioning to the Cane was Humor for blind people
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Buddy Brannan
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Michael Hingson
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
melissa R green
- [nagdu] Humor for blind people
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Julie J.
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Sherry Gomes
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Becky Frankeberger
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Elise Berkley
- [nagdu] Getting around on campus...
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Julie J.
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Jody Ianuzzi
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Daryl Lang
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Danielle Cyclorama
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Grabbing my harness was Humor for blind people
larry d keeler
- [nagdu] [Wasagdu] Healthy dog treats
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] My voice is GONE!!
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Matthew Dierckens
- [nagdu] Introduction
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] Introduction
Dan Weiner
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Blind man, guide dog banned from bus ride in Tampa |
Marion Gwizdala
- [nagdu] nagdu Digest, Vol 128, Issue 28
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] Introduction
Debby Phillips
- [nagdu] Introduction
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Introduction
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] For All Ya'all Receiving Lis Mail in Digest Mode
Danielle Ledet
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Introduction
Danielle Sykora
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] Busying in Harness was Introduction
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] Subject lines
Cindy Ray
- [nagdu] tonight's NAGDU Board meeting is postponed
Sherrill O'Brien
- [nagdu] Introduction
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] Introduction
Morgan Leland
- [nagdu] Relieving signals
Wayne And Harley
- [nagdu] corrections with the Halti
Danielle Cyclorama
- [nagdu] corrections with the Halti
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] corrections with the Halti
Julie J.
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] corrections with the Halti
Tami Jarvis
- [nagdu] Healthy dog treats
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] My voice is gone
Mardi Hadfield
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Tracy Carcione
- [nagdu] Drooling?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] What does he want?
sheila leigland
- [nagdu] What does he want?
sheila leigland
- [nagdu] What does he want?
sheila leigland
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] What does he want?
sheila leigland
- [nagdu] Introduction
sheila leigland
- [nagdu] What does he want?
Lisa Belville
- [nagdu] Drooling?
Raven Tolliver
- [nagdu] Drooling?
Daryl Marie
- [nagdu] Introduction
Star Gazer
- [nagdu] Drooling?
Julie J.
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 20:29:07 UTC 2015
Archived on: Mon Jun 29 15:08:46 UTC 2020
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