[nagdu] What does he want?

Lisa Belville missktlab1217 at frontier.com
Sun Nov 29 15:04:21 UTC 2015

Tracey, I think that's the Golden part of him coming out.  My first dog was 
a Lab/Golden cross and he did this.  I thought it was just a guide dog thing 
until I started meeting other dog people and realized that their pure 
Goldens were love sponges but Labs and Shepherds wouldn't just plunk their 
heads in laps for no reason.    They were affectionate and would be very 
responsive to their handlers, but they didn't require constant physical 
interaction like the Goldens did.

My second dog was all Lab and while she was very affectionate, she was a bit 
less physical and really didn't seem to like to hold still for prolonged 
petting most of the time.  Usually a simple head pat or ear rub satisfied 

Now my third dog is a Yellow Lab Golden cross and she is very physical, 
almost intrusive  with her head.  She can stand for an eternity while I rub 
her ears, her knowledge bump, the extra skin around her neck. . . It doesn't 
matter as long as I am physically touching her.  She's done this with 
others, so I think it's just her personality.  She's interfered with my 
typing and my Bluetooth reception before, and loves using her muzzle as a 
crowbar if she thinks I've been on the PC typing or on the iPhone playing a 
game for too long.

Usually I tell her to do a down stay next to my rocker or in the spare space 
made by my computer desk the bed and the wall.  Usually just a single down 
makes her quit.  I love this, but I know it can get really annoying, 
especially when she goes into Velcro dog mode and wants to be wherever I am 
at all times.

I think a quiet and firm down will probably stop this.  If you jump up to 
take him out or drop everything you're doing to love on him, he's going to 
learn this and probably will get very obnoxious about demanding your 

Lisa and Paige
Lisa Belville
missktlab1217 at frontier.com
A bus station is where the bus stops. A train station is where the train
stops.  On my desk I have a work station...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tracy Carcione via nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
To: "'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'" 
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: "Tracy Carcione" <carcione at access.net>
Sent: Sunday, November 29, 2015 8:43 AM
Subject: [nagdu] What does he want?

> Krokus has a new thing that's making me nuts.  He especially was doing it
> last night.  I'd pick up my puzzle game or my book, and he'd come and poke
> me with his nose or lay his head on my lap, or just stand a couple feet 
> away
> looking at me.  I took him out.  I played with him.  I sat on the floor, 
> in
> case he wanted to cuddle.  Nope.  Finally I got annoyed and told him to 
> lie
> down and stop bugging me, which he did.
> He's been doing more of this kind of thing lately, and I can't figure out
> what he wants.  True, yesterday we took a walk in the morning, then it got
> cold and drizzly and we didn't go out again.  And I was listening to a
> hockey game on the radio, instead of watching TV.  Maybe that made the 
> room
> darker than usual?  Maybe he's not a hockey fan?  I just can't figure out
> what he wants when he starts this new game.  Maybe "Down, and stop bugging
> me" is the best response.  If anyone has any ideas of what the big goof is
> trying to get across, .
> Tracy
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