[nagdu] guides at NFB training centers

Sean Moore seanmoore87 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 19:01:43 UTC 2015

I  went  through  training  at  BLINd, Inc - the  staff  loved  Franklin, but as  far as  using  him  was  only aloud  to  “at lunch” which  was  harnessing  him  up   to  take  him  out  to busy. 
before  and after  classes - though  I was  very  loud  about  being  able to  use  Franklin  or  at least  have  him  at  some of the  events  where  I knew  we’d  be  back  from a event  later  and  it  would  be a  waste of  time  to  go  and  get  Franklin.

I  really  did  dislike  the  kennel s being  on the  4th  floor , I was  told  for a  while  they  had  the  dogs’ kennel  on the NFB room , but  some of  the  dogs  barked  when  they  heard  the handler and  .

My  trainer knew  I was  a  total  crappy cane user  and  knew  I  would have  loved  to  snapped  the  cane  when  I was  done.

I  did  end  up  quitting after 8 months- but  I  did  finish  all my  wood shop
    projects, all  my  meals  and 1 project  in  braille, the  2nd  I gave  up  on  since  braille  grade 2 and  reading  was a  pain the  tail  for me.

I  did  like all my  teachers  mostly, and  they  will  tell you  I was  but at  cheating, and  they knew  it. my  Vision  by  that  time was  like 5% and  soon  starting  getting worst  after  I  left   BLIND, inc.

Still have  the 5% plus  a  cataracts
 getting  worst  as  time  goes  by.


I  think  if  I  could
  have  done  my  blindfold work with   Franklin, at the  time, and  some  with the  cane, I  wouldn’t  have  quit , then again  I  still  might have.

Never  did  get my  travel teacher  to  try  using  Franklin  for  a  class and   me    do a  whole  travel class  without  cheating .

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