[nagdu] Yeast
Raven Tolliver
ravend729 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 11 06:07:25 UTC 2015
Have you tried any of the kibble formulas that have freeze-dried
pieces, switching to freeze-dried, or going for home-prepared or raw?
I understand everyone isn't on board with ditching the packaged foods
for various reasons. But all chronic systemic imbalances can be fixed
by making lifestyle changes. The body reacts negatively to everyday
things in the environment when its normal detoxification processes and
immune defenses are stunted by the onslaught of toxic chemicals on a
daily basis. The more toxins you use and put into your dog and
yourself on a daily basis, the more the body's capabilities to handle
everyday stresses are muted or slowed. The more you reduce your dog's
and your own toxin loads, the better the body will be able to handle
environmental stresses beyond your control.
My dog and I both used to get horrible seasonal allergies. Every
spring and fall, I would get watery eyes, runny nose, itchy throat,
etc. The Golden Guy would scratch himself so much, he had scabs up and
down his back. He would chew his back legs so much that he had large
wounds in his flesh. In addition, he had chronic ear infections that
made him scratch and rub his ears so much, his ear flaps and outer
ears were scabbed up.
We have not had it as horribly as other people had, but switching our
diets to consuming whole foods, and eliminating the use of toxic
household products, pet products, and toiletries has helped
I went to 3 different vets who said it could be environmental
allergies or food allergies. I personally did not think that was okay.
I refused to accept that there was nothing I could do to stop the
madness that came along with these supposed allergies. I refused to
continue relying on methods that never made the problems go away
permanently. I did not want me or my dog to continue living with
seasonal allergies or any ailment. There is a way to eliminate, or at
least drastically reduce, these conditions, no matter what the vets
Reduce all inflammatory foods and chemicals, and increase
anti-inflammatory foods and products. Most household products and
toiletries contain chemicals that cause skin irritation and
inflammatory conditions. Diets high in sugars can lead to inflammatory
conditions. Diets high in good fats--coconut oil, olive oil, fish oil,
avocado, butter, lard, animal fat, and palm oil, are
anti-inflammatory. Diets high in grains, vegetable or canola oils, and
grain-fed meats are inflammatory. Grassfed and pastured meats are
Consuming inflammatory products maintains an allergic and inflammatory
state within the body. Consuming anti-inflammatory products helps the
body minimize the effects of inflammatory agents in the environment.
Founder of 1AM Editing & Research
You are valuable because of your potential, not because of what you
have or what you do.
Naturally-reared guide dogs
On 9/10/15, S L Johnson via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Changing foods has not resulted in any improvement in Eva's allergies. She
> is still very itchy and I have to put drops in her ears at least twice a
> week. I am not sure what I will try next. My vet said it is most likely
> environmental allergies, not foods.
> Sandra and Eva
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Danielle Cyclorama via nagdu
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2015 1:51 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Danielle Cyclorama
> Subject: Re: [nagdu] Yeast
> An allergy to chicken was exactly what caused my dog to have recurrent ear
> infections. Now that he no longer eats chicken, his ears have been perfectly
> healthy. If your dog has been eating a chicken-based food for most or all of
> his life, and allergy is not all that surprising. Food allergies are usually
> caused by eating the same food exclusively for years.
> Danielle and Thai
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 10, 2015, at 1:25 PM, Daryl Marie via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> wrote:
>> Hi, Tracy,
>> That's been my experience as well. Many people have said chicken can be an
>> allergen... I had NO idea! My dog is in the process of switching food,
>> both protein sources and brands. Hopefully Krokus' ears clear up soon!
>> The one thing I am noticing at the moment is that Jenny's itching is
>> getting worse, not better, since the food switch, but whether that's
>> weather related, new food disagreeing with her, or her body "detoxing"
>> from something in the old food, only time will tell.
>> Daryl
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Tracy Carcione via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>> Cc: Tracy Carcione <carcione at access.net>
>> Sent: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 11:16:48 -0600 (MDT)
>> Subject: [nagdu] Yeast
>> I talked to the guy at the holistic pet store, and he says chicken can be
>> an
>> allergen for some dogs, so I'll switch Krokus to Great Life Buffalo, and
>> see
>> how that goes. I've been thinking about doing that, anyway. The older dog
>> complicates things, since he doesn't switch foods easily anymore, but
>> we'll
>> work it out.
>> Tracy
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