[NAGDU] Dogs and spite?
Cindy Ray
cindyray at gmail.com
Thu Apr 21 13:03:08 UTC 2016
Yeah, I think Fisher chewed up my bipap machine mask the other night because
he was on tie down, they were all alone in the house, he could reach it, he
lacked something better to do.
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Danielle Sykora
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:18 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Danielle Sykora <dsykora29 at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Dogs and spite?
I believe dogs will act out of jealousy, but not spite. If your ignoring the
dog and they do something bad, they know it will attract your attention.
Sure, it's going to be negative but most dogs will prefer that to no
attention at all. Dogs will have accidents in the house due to excitement,
stress, competition with others (dogs or human), and maybe even some form of
jealousy, but not spite. They will chew, jump, bark, show aggression etc.
due to boredom, lack of physical or mental exercise, lack of training,
trauma from past abuse... but they aren't trying to get back at you.
Danielle and Thai
On 4/21/16, Dan Weiner via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Oh my, well I do know of a lady whom I trust who has a golden retriever.
> Why I say "whom I trust"? Because the story I'm going to tell you
> sounds like one someone would make up or exaggerate but I know her
> well and believe it.
> Ever since she had her baby boy her golden retriever would do things
> like, well, defecate in her bed. If she was nursing her baby or
> things like that the dog would try to but in, and maybe felt it's
> alpha wasn't giving it the attention that it felt it needed--smile the
> defecating in the bed incident happened when she was in the shower and
> then rocking the baby, so the golden had time to presumably get on her
> bed and leave a calling card. .
> It seems to have calmed down in the last few years, but that has to
> be some type of emotion, jealousy? I don't know.
> Anyway, straying a bit far from guide dogs but that is a story I
> believe and how can I explain it other than some type of emotion.
> Of course human beings really can do things for spite and can make
> elaborate plans and do things that aren't very nice--smile.
> But dogs have their ways.
> Yours sincerely,
> Dan W. and the Parker Hound
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Mardi
> Hadfield via NAGDU
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:57 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Mardi Hadfield
> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] my little girl
> Hi Dar, Mardi here. Yes, dogs do things out of spite!!! I have had
> enough rescue dogs with problems and some of them have been very
> spiteful. Most of them got over it with time and my diligence.The
> worst ones were Tokala and Chezza. Both Siberian Huskies. Tokala used
> to pee on my bed if I raised my voice and called her a bad dog.She was
> a bad dog and did things constantly to annoy me. Pulled the covers off
> my bed,dumped the water bucket and flooded the living room. This one
> seems to be a favorite pastime in my house.She knocked over a table
> just to get a crumb that fell on the floor,got on my bed,every time I
> turned my back.The bed is forbidden for all dogs in my house. She
> shredded the sheets on my bed,shredded curtains, ect.I finally learned
> that if I did not call her "BAD DOG" in a raised voice,she stopped
> doing these things. Although I used a low voice and called her
> something else other than bad dog, She still would pee on my bed if
> she thought I was mad at her. I finally ignored the peeing on the bed.
> I just pulled the covers off and washed them and said nothing to
> her.She stopped doing it because she did not get a response.I decided
> not to place her in a home as I was afraid that she would be abused
> for doing such things.Tokala has become a very sweet loving dog.She is
still a food thief though.
> Chezza,
> was even worse and I don't think there is any hope for her.She did a
> lot of the same things that Tokala did and more. She destroyed 4
> crates. One
> metal,3 airline type crates.She tried to eat my cats on a daily basis.
> I muzzled her and she broke the muzzle.I had to use a tie down on her.
> She chewed through that so I got a chain one. She pulled it out of the
> wall and destroyed half my wall.She got into my plastic bins and
> chewed them and chewed 11 of my best T shirts. She knocked over a fish
> tank and broke it and killed some very rare Endler's fish. This dog
> has been placed 5 times and has come back to the rescue each time,but
> not to my house! Oh, I for got ,she chewed up my hair brush.She had to
> climb up on the bath room sink to get it.She went to an animal
> behaviourist. Even she could not do any thing with Chezza. She is with
> a foster person that has an out door chain link kennel with a roof on
> it so she cant climb out. She has been there for almost a year now.
> Some dogs are very spiteful. Most of them can get over it,so there is
> hope for your girl Dar.Try ignoring the pee on the floor and don't do
> a leash correction when she sniffs. Just move her away from that
> person. If she pulls to get away from you just hang on and don't let
> get away. If she does not get a response to her bad actions, she may
> stop doing them. It's not a guarantee but it has worked for me on some
> of these rescue dogs.I hope this is helpful. Mardi and
> Shaman,semi-retired and Neechee,GD and Sedona,GDIT.
> --
> http://wolfsinger-lakota.blogspot.com/
> http://wolfsinger2-thegoldendragon.blogspot.com
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