[NAGDU] my little girl
S L Johnson
SLJohnson25 at comcast.net
Thu Apr 21 14:19:16 UTC 2016
With one of my previous dogs, I did have a problem with her relieving
herself in the house. It was in our first few weeks to months home.
Trainers said it was probably due to stress. One thing they said was to
check with my vet to be sure there were no health issues. Of course, there
was nothing wrong with her, she was just being a little brat. However, they
did recommend one thing. Once a dog has gone in your house, it is very
important to do a very thorough cleaning. I don't mean just with soap and
water but, with a product specifically made for pet waste removal. This is
because if your dog can smell urine or feces they will think it is alright
to go in that same spot again. Once I used a professional carpet cleaning
service for this purpose, things began to be better. Another strange thing
was, the instant I moved to another area away from family stress, I had no
further problems with her going in the house. It was an immediate change of
behavior. Her work even got much better. Somehow you have to try and
figure out why she only does this when you are at home and not while she is
out in public. Maybe she is jealous of the time you spend around the home
not paying any attention to her. I don't know but, it must be something
about being at home. I wonder if she had some of the puzzle treat toys that
would entertain her while you are about your daily business and spending
time with your husband. Sometimes I do wish these dogs could talk so we
could better understand them. Keep us informed and maybe someday one of us
will come up with an idea that will work. Best of luck to you.
Sandra and Eva
-----Original Message-----
From: Mardi Hadfield via NAGDU
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2016 5:57 AM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: Mardi Hadfield
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] my little girl
Hi Dar, Mardi here. Yes, dogs do things out of spite!!! I have had enough
rescue dogs with problems and some of them have been very spiteful. Most of
them got over it with time and my diligence.The worst ones were Tokala and
Chezza. Both Siberian Huskies. Tokala used to pee on my bed if I raised my
voice and called her a bad dog.She was a bad dog and did things constantly
to annoy me. Pulled the covers off my bed,dumped the water bucket and
flooded the living room. This one seems to be a favorite pastime in my
house.She knocked over a table just to get a crumb that fell on the
floor,got on my bed,every time I turned my back.The bed is forbidden for
all dogs in my house. She shredded the sheets on my bed,shredded curtains,
ect.I finally learned that if I did not call her "BAD DOG" in a raised
voice,she stopped doing these things. Although I used a low voice and
called her something else other than bad dog, She still would pee on my bed
if she thought I was mad at her. I finally ignored the peeing on the bed. I
just pulled the covers off and washed them and said nothing to her.She
stopped doing it because she did not get a response.I decided not to place
her in a home as I was afraid that she would be abused for doing such
things.Tokala has become a very sweet loving dog.She is still a food thief
though. Chezza, was even worse and I don't think there is any hope for
her.She did a lot of the same things that Tokala did and more. She
destroyed 4 crates. One metal,3 airline type crates.She tried to eat my
cats on a daily basis. I muzzled her and she broke the muzzle.I had to use
a tie down on her. She chewed through that so I got a chain one. She pulled
it out of the wall and destroyed half my wall.She got into my plastic bins
and chewed them and chewed 11 of my best T shirts. She knocked over a fish
tank and broke it and killed some very rare Endler's fish. This dog has
been placed 5 times and has come back to the rescue each time,but not to
my house! Oh, I for got ,she chewed up my hair brush.She had to climb up on
the bath room sink to get it.She went to an animal behaviourist. Even she
could not do any thing with Chezza. She is with a foster person that has an
out door chain link kennel with a roof on it so she cant climb out. She has
been there for almost a year now. Some dogs are very spiteful. Most of them
can get over it,so there is hope for your girl Dar.Try ignoring the pee on
the floor and don't do a leash correction when she sniffs. Just move her
away from that person. If she pulls to get away from you just hang on and
don't let get away. If she does not get a response to her bad actions, she
may stop doing them. It's not a guarantee but it has worked for me on some
of these rescue dogs.I hope this is helpful. Mardi and
Shaman,semi-retired and Neechee,GD and Sedona,GDIT.
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