[NAGDU] Guide dog schools

David david at bakerinet.com
Fri Jul 22 12:26:15 UTC 2016

Dear Andy,

I was accepted at Leader Dogs for the Blind in Rochester, Michigan the 
same day I was accepted at GDF.  It made for a very difficult decision 
as I had done my mobility training at Leader and I am originally from 
Detroit.  I like the facility, the staff and the location.  I also had 
visited GDF in Smithtown some years before. The deciding factor for me 
was the training program.  At Leader they had a 26 day program with 
about 5 students per trainer.  That meant that in a two and one half 
hour training session, the student could be out with the trainer for 
half an hour and sit with their pup for 2 hours.  I'm retired and the 
length of the program was not a critical issue, but I think I would have 
gone stir crazy.  I found that the down time even during the one on one 
five day mobility training was exasperating.

GDF had moved to a two week program with 2 students for one trainer.   
It is a tough program for a first timer, because there is a lot to learn 
and internalize.  I felt a couple of more days would have been helpful, 
but GDF has regional trainers and they are very generous with their home 
training and their support  after the program.  GDF provides a one time 
$200 stipend against expenses. They make all arrangements for 
transportation and pickup for travel from the airport to Smithtown and 
back home again.  They do not charge a fee, or charge for expenses.  
They carry medications that you can purchase at a steep discount 
directly from the Foundation. The student can choose to own their dog.

I know several people with wonderful dogs from Leader, GDF, and TSE.

Feel free to send me a private message if you need anything more specific.

David and Claire Rose in Clearwater, FL

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