[NAGDU] Mind Blown....
Wayne And Harley
k9dad at k9di.org
Sat May 7 18:47:45 UTC 2016
Thanks Jenine,So ADI, by accepting IGDF's standards for Guide Dog training has, tacitly, admitted that their "One size fits all" approach to Service Dog training cannot cover all Service Dog modalities!!Does acceptance of IGDF's standards mean that the idiotic "three task requirement" rule ( Which is counter to the language in the ADA ) doesn't apply to Guide Dogs?Here's why I ask. My Guide Dog does one work, or task, if you will, its a huge complex type of work/task, it's called guiding. Guiding itself, while large and complex, is made up of several microtasks which if one was missing would mean he hasn't finished training to be a Guide Dog. Conversely, those micro tasks do not and cannot stand alone. That "three task requirement" would also mean that many current SD's that perform only one mitigating task directly related to their owner's disability would not be considered, by ADI and their member organisations, as SD's simply because their Owner only needs one task done to mitigate their disability. Take medical alert Dogs and seizure response dogs for example. The next question that occurs to my fertile mind is, are the Guide Dog schools fully on board with ADI's agenda?The next point that I wish to raise, as many Guide Dog Owners may not be aware of this is.Wiithin the Guide Dog Owning Community, Owner Trainers are a very small minority, as the majority of Guide Dog Owners work with programme trained Guide Dogs. Within the Greater Service Dog Owning community this is reversed. Service Dog Owner Trainers predominate and programme trained Service Dog Owners are the vast minority. The other Service Dog Modalities have a clear majority and Guide Dog Owners ( both Programme trained and Owner Trained Guide Dog Owners ) are a miniscule minority.If ADI's "solution" to the fake disabled person "problem" a very large number of the disabled will become disenfranchised and be discriminated against because not every disability has a corresponding Training programme, or a programme that would train for the mix of disabilities that so many Service Dog Owner Trainers suffer from. Nor could those that will be disenfranchised possibly afford the cost of going to an ADI registered programme. Here the Guide Dog Owning community has a clear advantage as most Guide Dog Schools charge the recipients a nominal fee for their Service Dogs.I, for one, would rather not lose my civil rights as they currently stand and be fitted for ADI's version of the "Yellow Star Of David".
Yours, Very Sincerely And Respectfully,
Wayne M. Scace
-------- Original message --------
From: Jenine Stanley via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Date: 5/7/2016 08:29 (GMT-06:00)
To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Jenine Stanley <jeninems at icloud.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Mind Blown....
Before you panic, ADI has adopted the IGDF standards as their standards for guide dog schools.
> On May 6, 2016, at 11:38 PM, Wayne And Harley via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> My mind is BLOWN, I just did a casual search that took only a few minutes on ADI's website. Every major Guide Dog Training programme in the U.S. is accredited by ADI. The only ones that I didn't see there were Pilot and a young school in Mississippi called Gallant Hearts....And here I thought they adhered to IGDF's standards and Guidelines. ....
> Yours, Very Sincerely And Respectfully,
> Wayne M. Scace
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