[NAGDU] NAGDU Board Meeting Minutes for August 28, 2016
Marianne Denning
marianne at denningweb.com
Thu Sep 29 01:37:14 UTC 2016
I just read through these minutes. They are great minutes. I read the part
about proposed changes to the air carriers act. Would this be a violation
of ADA? What type of documents are they talking about?
On Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 2:32 PM, Sherrill O'Brien via NAGDU <
nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello to all,
> As NAGDU's secretary, starting this month, Marion has asked me to pass
> along
> the monthly Board meeting minutes to both the NAGDU Leaders and NAGDU
> mailing lists. You'll note that these are August minutes. No, they're not
> hot off the press, since they first need to be approved by the Board. But
> from now on, you'll receive the minutes following the meeting at which they
> are approved. We hope that reading these will help you stay informed about
> what's going on with our organization, and nudge you to participate in our
> monthly teleconference Board meetings. Who knows, maybe they'll inspire you
> to become a member of NAGDU, get more active in your division, or even
> start
> the process of forming a NAGDU division in your state!
> The minutes are pasted below my signature, and also attached.
> Warm regards
> Sherrill O'
> Brien, Secretary
> National Association of Guide Dog Users
> National Federation of the Blind
> National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Board Meeting Minutes
> August 28, 2016
> Those Present:
> Marion Gwizdala, President
> Michael Hingson, Vice President
> Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
> Toni Whaley, Treasurer
> Jimmy Boehm, Boared Member
> Aleeha Dudley, Board Member
> Jessica Snyder, Board Member
> The meeting was held via teleconference, and was called to order by
> President Marion Gwizdala at 8:00pmEDT. As usual, this was an open meeting,
> and we welcomed the following guests: Liz Campbell, Texas; Lucy Marr, New
> York; Holly McKnight, Texas.
> Secretary and Treasurer's Reports
> A motion was made by Aleeha, seconded by Mike to approve the August meeting
> minutes as emailed. The motion passed.
> Toni did not yet have a treasurer's report. She said there had been no
> activity during August. We have fully paid all those to whom we owed money
> for fundraising products.
> Committee Reports
> Social Media
> We currently have 112 followers on Twitter. Marion wants to have 150 by
> October. Jessica reported that we have 404 Facebook members.
> NAGDU Website
> Mike said that, in order to keep our website updated, we are now paying our
> web developer Dave Schroeder the monthly $100 fee which the Board approved.
> Mike will make sure Dave sends an invoice to Toni, and that he copies
> Marion
> and Mike. Marion said we need to send Dave a PDF copy of our new brochure
> to
> download on our website. It will need to come from our national office.
> Marion is taking an online course from CAVI involving up-to-date technical
> knowledge geared to blind people. This includes web development, and audio
> essentials such as creating podcasts.
> NAGDU Information and Advocacy Hotline and Mobile App
> Sherrill volunteered to help Aleeha update the state access laws which will
> eventually be downloaded on our NAGDU app. Marion said most of our hotline
> calls are now being connected through the app.
> Old Business
> James is the chair of the committee which is making plans for a national
> seminar. Serving on the committee are Board members Mike and Aleeha, as
> well
> as NYAGDU president Lucy Marr. James will resend the minutes from their
> meeting.
> Convention Relief Area
> Aleeha said that Seeing Eye trainer Doug Bohl did not have any suggestions
> for us regarding improvement of the relief area at our national
> conventions.
> We discussed having a variety of surfaces. There is a material which can be
> put down which is permeable, thus preventing water from accumulating. James
> suggested we consider a voluntary button on the convention registration
> form, giving attendees the opportunity to contribute to relief area
> supplies
> and cleanup.
> New Business
> Marion said our new Texas affiliate will hold a seminar just prior to the
> NFB of Texas convention. TEXAGDU president liz Campbell then spoke about
> their plans for the seminar, which will focus on rights and
> responsibilities
> of guide dog handlers as well as education of local business owners. She
> commended Norma Crosby, president of NFB's Texas affiliate, for championing
> this seminar. It is hoped that it can serve as a model for other NAGDU
> affiliates.
> New NAGDU Division
> Marion announced that Virginia will be chartering a NAGDU division at
> their
> upcoming convention in November. Marion has been invited to attend.
> Michigan
> also has a formal charter in place and will meet in November.
> D O T Proposing Changes to the Air Carrier Access Act
> Marion informed us that the Department of Transportation has formed an
> accessibility committee to study several proposed changes which would
> affect
> those with disabilities who are traveling by air. One change would impact
> those with service animals. The proposal involves the necessity for the
> presenting of documentation and/or answering a series of questions when
> booking a flight. NFB's representative on this committee, and thus NAGDU's
> as well, is NFB Board member Parnell Diggs. Parnell would initially like to
> hear from NAGDU leaders, so a teleconference dealing with this subject has
> been scheduled for Thursday, September 1 at 7pmEDT. Sherrill will send out
> an announcement about this meeting to the leadership list.
> Marion encouraged everyone to order a supply of our new brochures from the
> Independence Market, especially with Meet the Blind month coming up in
> October.
> Our next meeting will be held on Sept. 25.
> The meeting was adjourned at 9:18pm.
> Respectfully submitted
> Sherrill O'Brien, Secretary
> National Association of Guide Dog Users
> National Federation of the Blind
> _______________________________________________
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> marianne%40denningweb.com
Marianne Denning, TVI, MA
Teacher of students who are blind or visually impaired
(513) 607-6053
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