[NAGDU] Thank You From TAGDU
james boehm
jimmydagerman80 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 13:39:42 UTC 2017
The TAGDU board would like to thank everyone who supported our organization and our 2017 “Hup-Up) seminar n Memphis! We would like to thank Dr. Singleton, Bill with GDB, Chelsea with The Seeing Eye, who came to exhibit and speak to our group. We want to thank all of the schools that participated with door prizes and materials about their schools so that our members can make informative decisions when choosing his or her school. Our sponsors included The Seeing Eye, Guide Dogs For The Blind, Southeastern, The Mira Foundation, Guide Dog Foundation, Guiding Eyes, Fidelco, and Leader Dog. We would also like to thank Julie Johnson for her support. You can find her catalogue on our resource Dropbox/Google Drive with many fine, quality products for your partner! By continuing to build these relationships, we can encourage dialogue and motivate change. Thank you’s are in order for Blind Square, who made their GPS app free during our state convention. We want to thank our board for their support and dedication to bettering the lives of the blind in Tennessee. We welcome our new board member Alicia! We would like to thank Hannah, a friend to many in TAGDU, for her video she created for our seminar. You can check it out at our Facebook page! We look forward to working with our board, members, and the federation family, during the upcoming year. While 2016 was a great year for TAGDU, 2017 will be even better! At our seminar, we announced TAGDU developed a resource to fully equip guide dog users. You can find the resource on Dropbox or Google Drive. The links can be found below. We will continually update and add additional files to the resource. Let us know if you have any feedback or other valuable information that could be added. Thank you again our Federation family. Let our example reflect the love, hope, and determination to spread and educate the NFB philosophy in a constructive, respectful, and dignified manner. Our actions, not our words alone, will demonstrate if we truly live by love, hope, and determination!
HTTPS://www.dropbox.com/sh/6sl76hp95u2j2q3/AABXHSUzqZ7xG0J7r7Q0WoCja?dl=0 <https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6sl76hp95u2j2q3/AABXHSUzqZ7xG0J7r7Q0WoCja?dl=0>
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1yEGWBvDPttZlUwNlpYYXBpVlU <https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1yEGWBvDPttZlUwNlpYYXBpVlU>
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