[NAGDU] Obedience and "down"

Bianka bianka at andi-bika.de
Sun Aug 20 16:11:49 UTC 2017

Hi all, 

A few things come to mind here.

- Make the down command great again, either by using lavish praise, , food rewards or whatever works for your dog.
- Change the rutine around, varry the commands, this can make the practice somewhat more interesting. 
- As for the weird positioning, you could try practicing with a wall on your left side. 

However, personally, , I am not a stickler for positioning when doing obedience wit a guide dog. . It's another  matter if you are intending to compete in obedience or doing classes. 

For me, obedience should be fun and I personally do not like to use harsh corrections at all and especially not with obedience. 

You might want to do obedience throughout the day and not as a set routine for a change and see how this works out. You could do the obedience just shortly before you feed to get the motivation up a level or do something he really likes afterwards as a reward. 

Kind regards, Bianka 

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