[NAGDU] {Spam?} The myth of the magical cane
Dan Weiner
dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
Thu Feb 9 22:49:29 UTC 2017
I was told not to persist with my sarcasm about the cane by the moderator,
but thanks for your post--smile.
Dan the man
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of S L Johnson via
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 5:38 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
Cc: S L Johnson
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] {Spam?} The myth of the magical cane
You make me smile with the mythical magical cane line. I remember the guide
dog schools when I first applied 42 years ago. Mobility instructors told me
that I should not need a dog because I was such a good cane traveler. I got
my dog anyway and found that I was an even better more confident traveler
with my dog. It amazes me at the strange ideas that so many people have,
even those who are supposed to be professionals working with the blind. The
only issue I see with a guide e dog in high school is allowing the student
the time to take the dog out at lunch time. This can be arranged quite
easily by planning a blank study period at that time of day. With a well
trained dog the student should not have to leave class any earlier than
everyone else. I used a dog in college and my dog worked the crowded
hallways just fine.
Sandra Johnson
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Weiner via NAGDU
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2017 5:03 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
Cc: Dan Weiner
Subject: [NAGDU] {Spam?} The myth of the magical cane
Gosh you make cane skills sound like some magic wand, I know if when I first
got a guide dog someone had known quite how little confidence I had with a
cane , judging by what seems to be today's standards I would have never been
given a dog--lol. I'm glad guide dog schools gave people a chance when I,
for example, started out. I got a dog and soon understood what I would need
to do to become a good traveler with a dog and I worked hard and voila I'm
using a dog 24 years later, have traveled all sorts of places,
even other countries and so on... This though I only hear in one ear and
of course am totally blind.
fact is I was very motivated.
this isn't directed at your question about high school but I am just amazed
at how much I hear about people saying things like "oh before you have a dog
you had better have good cane skills."
And even now, every time I go for a successor dog they'll come to your home
a lot of times and try out my cane skills on a walk and I hear grumbling
about how I veer with a cane when I cross streets...if I thought I were the
cat's miao with a cane I probably wouldn't necessarily opt for a dog, fact
is it's a better mobility tool for me.
Just an observation.
No comments about the TVI, I actually agree with what's been said on that
subject already.
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