[NAGDU] Finding a trash can WAS Re: Relieving in the City
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Thu Jan 26 17:03:25 UTC 2017
I taught Mitzi to find the trash. Sometimes the little dear would find a
trash can or dumpster and go nearby, then show me again so I could toss
the bag. Still working on that with Loki, mostly because the need
doesn't come up often. If he goes outside the yard, it's usually on the
stretch of our route where there isn't a trash can or dumpster to find,
so I get to carry it home. That happened more when he was younger,
before he was guiding, so I had the fun of managing leash, cane and bag,
trying to pretend there was nothing undignified about it. /lol/
On 01/26/2017 08:41 AM, Joe Orozco via NAGDU wrote:
> Would it be possible to change his feeding schedule? Perhaps wait to
> feed him when you get into the office. Then you can try to make him
> relieve himself near the office where you want him to go. Perhaps use
> the clicker to mark off the general area where you want him to
> relieve, and then as he’s taking care of business, use treats to
> celebrate his accomplishment to draw an association between the spot
> and relieving.
> On a related note, what do you guys do when you do not find a trash
> can or dumpster nearby? I’ve taken to carrying my bags with me until I
> find one, but surely there’s a more graceful way of taking care of
> this? It’s not the carrying I mind. I am pretty sure there are points
> when I walk right past a trash can without knowing it though.
> Thanks, and please forgive any indirect thread high jacking with my
> own question.
> Best,
> Joe
> On 1/26/17, Marsha Drenth via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Oh Tracy, my dog has the same issue. All of our travel is in big cities.
>> Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of answers, other than what you've
>> mentioned before. The only bit of information, that might be helpful, is
>> that instead of going out to the street, I will try to find dumpsters. and
>> relieve my puppy near the dumpster, for example in an alley or down a side
>> street. I don't know how this is done in New York City, so this may not be
>> useful to you. But generally near the dumpster there is less traffic and or
>> moving cars. I feel like those of us who travel in cities, have to be very
>> innovative when it comes to relieving.
>> I hope that this is in some small way helpful. But, I do understand totally
>> and completely.
>> PS when you say the bus terminal, do you mean the Port Authority bus
>> terminal? I did a lot of traveling between Penn station, long island
>> railroad, and the port authority for a good year. If I can remember where I
>> relieved my dog on that route maybe you could use the same area. I'll think
>> about it.
>> Marsha drenth
>> email: marsha.drenth at gmail.com
>> Sent with my IPhone
>> Please note that this email communication has been sent using my iPhone. As
>> such, I may have used dictation and had made attempts to mitigate errors.
>> Please do not be hesitant to ask for clarification as necessary.
>>> On Jan 26, 2017, at 10:41 AM, Tracy Carcione via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> wrote:
>>> I know most of you don't live in my world, so I'll explain my problem. I
>>> know there are some people here in big cities, and maybe someone has a
>>> solution. If there is a solution.
>>> There are not many safe relieving spots in midtown Manhattan. The best
>>> ones
>>> are between parked cars, with 3 or 4 feet of space. Second best is by 1
>>> parked car, and listening closely in case someone starts pulling in.
>>> There
>>> are good spots within half a block of my office, then not for 5 or 6
>>> blocks
>>> after that on the way to the bus terminal.
>>> Both my dogs from TSE have wanted to walk before pooping. This is not
>>> ideal, and I asked for a dog who doesn't empty on route last time, but it
>>> seems to be a feature or something, because Krokus does it, too. Ben
>>> could
>>> go as far as the good spot 6 blocks away, but Krokus doesn't think he
>>> can.
>>> He starts stopping about a block away from the office. It's like he's
>>> not
>>> happy with a spot unless cars are whizzing past his nose. And it's extra
>>> special if there is a pile of trash bags or a tree cutout for me to trip
>>> on
>>> near the curb. It makes me crazy. He keeps stopping, but it's not safe.
>>> So I either have to stop in a bad spot, and hope for the best, or keep
>>> correcting him and shooing him along until we actually reach a good spot,
>>> but his mind is at least half taken up with relieving, and not guiding.
>>> I always try to get him to go on the same block as the office, but he
>>> just
>>> gazes around like he hasn't a clue. Then he starts stopping on the next
>>> block. It's very frustrating.
>>> Tracy
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