[NAGDU] treat pouch
Sandra Burmester
skburmester at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 23:39:37 UTC 2017
I had to retire my last guide back in Sept. 2014. And I was waiting for a
new guide when I had to have surgery. I have light perception shadows,
and near movement in both eyes. I was approved for a regular guide before
the surgery. Then I had to redue my application over the phone then a home
interview. You have to have a power chair to work with a wheelchair
guide. I also had to have a refresher course in cane travel with the
wiheelchair. It is hard without a guide dog but with my cane skills I can
get around. But having a guide does make it a lot safer. Have a great
On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 1:55 PM, S L Johnson via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
> Sandra:
> I am glad to hear that GDF still does wheelchair training. I did not think
> they had that program since Mike Sergeant left in 2010. Do you have some
> partial vision? The reason I ask is that Mike told me that they were not
> going to train any totally blind for wheelchair guides. Do you use a
> manual
> wheelchair or a power chair? It is difficult to be without a guide dog so
> I
> do I hope your wait is not too long. Good luck to you when you do get to
> train with your new furry friend.
> Sandra Johnson and Eva
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sandra Burmester via NAGDU
> Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 2:33 PM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Cc: Sandra Burmester
> Subject: [NAGDU] treat pouch
> Hello everyone,
> Have been reading the posts about treat bags. I decided to order it for my
> self. I just have been approved for a wheelchair guide. I decided to get
> somethings ready for when that day comes. I have been wheelchair bound
> since May 15th 2015. I had a spinal stroke which left me paraplegic.
> Because I was a retrun graduate to GDF and after more paperwork completed I
> am now on the waiting list. I have been a guide dog user since Jan.1990.
> Life with out a guide partner is hard but I am patient.
> Hugs and wags to all the working pups out there.
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