[NAGDU] Dog Names
Tami Jarvis
tami at poodlemutt.com
Thu Jul 6 19:16:48 UTC 2017
Oh. I was laughing at a yellow lab named Coal (like the black stuff)
then checked the spelling. Still, ironic, huh?
So Mitzi came with the name, only it was spelled M i t s y. I was
horrified by the notion of going around with a poodle with such a name
and planned to change it just as soon as I got to know her enough to see
which of the alternates I was thinking of fit her. Only... She was a
Mitsy. So I changed the spelling, which was silly but seemed somehow to
fit better with the z i ending. She is definitely a Mitzi. No, I don't
know what a Mitzi is, just that it is what Mitzi is. /lol/
When it was time to get a new puppy, the name Loki was on my list for a
male. Thinking of Mitzi's puppyhood, I couldn't imagine a more apt name
than that of a mischief deity. It would have fit her to a T for sure!
The puppies in Loki's litter were all nicknamed for characters from one
of the family's favorite films, so he was Bumper. I considered going
with that, but the thought of having a guide dog named Bumper made me
break out in a cold sweat. And I was sort of hooked on the name Loki by
then, so I went with that. It has been pointed out to me that since Loki
got to be kinda evil in later myths and shows up as an evil character in
a number of modern iterations, that's a scarier name than Bumper. /lol/
My Loki is more like the early hearth deity who outwitted the other gods
to bring fire to man and used his cleverness to get the rest of them out
of trouble. Okay, so sometimes he was the cause of the trouble, but he
did get them out of the trouble he caused them. Also, he's tall, dark
and handsome, just like my Loki. /grin/ I hadn't realized how much the
name had worked it's way into modern literature and movies, or I might
have gone with something else. There's nothing like going down the
sidewalk, saying "Loki, left," and having someone gasp, "Oooh! He's evil!"
On 07/06/2017 11:30 AM, Nancy VanderBrink via NAGDU wrote:
> While on the subject I'd be curious to know the stories behind your dogs' names.
> I'll start with mine, Doc - male black lab from Southeastern, named in honor of a doctor in Florida who served for several years & loved black labs. His puppy raisers were also his donors so not only did they get to raise him, but name him too!
> My first guide who passed almost three years ago named Cole, he was a yellow lab I believe he was named either for or in honor of a child who passed, I'm not sure.
> Please forgive the typos as this message was most likely generated using voice dictation
> Nancy Irwin
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