[NAGDU] Update On My Girl
Dani Pagador
axs.brl at gmail.com
Mon May 8 16:03:17 UTC 2017
Hi, Dan.
My girl's fourteen years and five months, and still insists she's
leader of the pack.
I don't want to clutter up the list, so please e-mail me at
<axs.brl at gmail.com>. I can't feel any worse than I already do,
especially since I wonder what it was I didn't see, what it was I
mistook for something else--e.g., the two accidents she had in the
house at the beginning of April that I thought were incontinence
because I didn't take her out in time.
On 5/8/17, Dan Weiner via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> I'm so so sorry. How old is your little lady, I cna't remember.
> Well you'll know when it's time, both of my guides that I had to put to
> sleep were fourteen but it wasn't the age so much as similar problems
> that you are mentioning , damn I wish our pups could live forever, boy
> do I wish it, or at least live as long as we do--smile...just letting
> you know I, and I'm sure many people, nknow how you feel or have been
> there.
> I suppose the question I'd ask is about quality of life, ask yourself or
> your vet, then you can decide. I can go in to detail about my dogs and
> what the cause and what happened but I'll only do that if you want to, I
> don't want you to feel worse.
> Dan the man, Parker the nut
> On 5/8/2017 7:32 AM, Dani Pagador via NAGDU wrote:
>> Hi, Everyone.
>> Peg was on Deremaxx and her limp seemed more pronounced, she seemed
>> more anxious, and wasn't right digestively. I asked the doctor what
>> the other alternative was, and she said I could either go back to
>> Previcox or try Rimadyl. I opted for the Rimadyl, though she did well
>> on the Previcox.
>> She's been on the new meds for a week, but her appetite's been sketchy
>> at best. She threw up Sunday night and Monday morning, and doc put her
>> on a bland diet. She ate willingly, but I had to make homemade broth
>> and rice--she wouldn't touch the canned stuff.
>> Her loss of appetite started Thursday, though she drank water and
>> wanted to go out. She didn't seem dehydrated, but by Saturday I was
>> worked something was up. David took her to the vet and we found out
>> that her kidneys are functioning at 25 percent. She's being given
>> fluids at home, is drinking, and hardly eats.
>> We take her back to the vet tomorrow, but David and I talked about
>> needing to let her go. She's herself mentally, but not physically.
>> It's been hard to watch her not eat, and I can't see having to watch
>> her starve herself just so selfish Dani can keep her girl around.
>> I'm trying to write this without crying, but it hits hard at
>> unexpected moments. What did I not see? She's been on kidney diet food
>> since December, and doc says kidney failure comes in older dogs.
>> She's lived a good long life, has been, and still is faithful, and
>> will always be my girl. Tight-fisted Dani wants to squeeze every last
>> moment she can get with Peg. Am I being mean to keep her around? Will
>> I be a bad Mom to put her to sleep just because she won't be able to
>> eat and things will get harder for her, bah the no-pain-for-CRF-thing.
>> All of this to ask you guys to hold your babies close, love them long,
>> and love them hard.
>> More Later,
>> Dani, rambling, struggling with herself, grateful for your support
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