[NAGDU] Service dog in Japan
Star Gazer
pickrellrebecca at gmail.com
Thu May 11 11:43:04 UTC 2017
Wow Michael, are you serious?! How do they
accomplish well, just about anything in Japan, or maybe they don't?
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Michael Hingson
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 5:29 PM
To: 'NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users'
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Michael Hingson <mike at michaelhingson.com>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Service dog in Japan
When I visited Japan in 2012 I was not required to sign a power of attorney
for Africa. I wonder if this is a new thing?
It is true that, unless something has changed, blind people cannot sign
legal contracts in Japan.
Best Regards,
Michael Hingson
-----Original Message-----
From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Dan Weiner via
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 1:16 PM
To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
<nagdu at nfbnet.org>
Cc: Dan Weiner <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net>
Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Service dog in Japan
I want to follow this, because a friend of mine is thinking of studying in
Japan when he goes to Cornell as a sort of year abroad or whatever you call
it so he'd want to know, I'm glad they didn't do that when I went to Japan,
there I think I would have blown a gasket, but then again I was there from
Dan and the Parker Nut
On 5/10/2017 3:29 PM, Heather Bird via NAGDU wrote:
> Oh my god! That is horrifying! Over my dead body! Yes, please. Could
> someone with legal qualifications please explain for us what that
> means? I have no problem with the whole IGDF, contacting the Japanese
> guide dog school thing. However, if that is true about assigning a
> power of a tourney for your dog, then they can just stuff it and I'll
> not go, or I'll go without my dog. I am really hoping that this is a
> misunderstanding, because the implications are really disgusting, not
> only for what could happen to the dog, but also for how that speaks to
> how blind people are treated and thought of. Yikes!
> On 5/10/2017 3:22 PM, Peter Wolf via NAGDU wrote:
>> We have decided not to go to Japan with service dogs, because aside
>> from their requirements, we read that a traveler must also sign over
>> power of attorney for the animal to the authorities upon entry. My
>> legal understand of this means if for any reason, someone whether for
>> wholesome reasons or not, decides not to let you have your dog, it's
>> no longer your dog.
>> I'd appreciate comments from someone who understands legality.
>> Thanks,
>> Peter
>> On May 8, 2017, at 5:00 AM, nagdu-request at nfbnet.org wrote:
>>> Send NAGDU mailing list submissions to
>>> nagdu at nfbnet.org
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>>> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>>> than "Re: Contents of NAGDU digest..."
>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. travelling to Japan revisited (Dan Weiner)
>>> 2. Re: Hello, An Introduction from Heather With Ilsa (Danielle
>>> Ledet)
>>> 3. Update On My Girl (Dani Pagador)
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> --
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Sun, 7 May 2017 18:07:00 -0400
>>> From: Dan Weiner <dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net>
>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: [NAGDU] travelling to Japan revisited
>>> Message-ID: <b361c059-9950-4532-353f-073b7ae652d7 at dcwein.cnc.net>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>> Hello, beautiful people and dogs.
>>> Dan here.
>>> Well I think the subject of guide dogs in Japan and traveling their
>>> accompanied by a guide dog was dealt with recently.
>>> By coincidence I've been in contact with a very energetic,
>>> resourceful and intelligent young guy from NYC who wants to maybe
>>> study or visit there. He has a guide dog and though I went from
>>> 2001 to 2003 my info is of course not up to date. His vet actually
>>> seems very knowledgeable and had to apparently help another client
>>> with a service dog...but I thought he might find it useful to speak
>>> with someone who has traveled there more recently than I. Anyone
>>> who has done this, I seem to remember there was one person who had,
>>> let me know if you're willing to be in touch with this fellow.
>>> Apparently it would seem that one additional requirement since my
>>> days of stomping around there was that if you have a guide dog you
>>> must have info sent to the Japan guide Dog Association from your
>>> school so they issue you a temporary guide dog id, the JGDa is a
>>> guide dog school, I will refrain form making comments on this as I
>>> had to deal with the beginnings of that process when I wetn there.
>>> Suffice it to say that they want your school to be affiliated to the
>>> International Federation of Guide Dog Schools and if not they seem
>>> not interested in issuing this card. So, though the Japan
>>> restrictions puzzle and annoy me, I do want to help this guy if he
>>> is determined to have this experience and want him to be successful.
>>> So anyone wants to talk to him or to me, my email:
>>> dcwein at dcwein.cnc.net
>>> I'll give out his contact only on request.
>>> Most sincerely,
>>> Dan
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Sun, 7 May 2017 17:19:53 -0600
>>> From: Danielle Ledet <singingmywayin at gmail.com>
>>> To: "NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
>>> Users"
>>> <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Hello, An Introduction from Heather With Ilsa
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CAMxXqEQ_wJOAtOBs_LjZGGBe0m3G8oc9rkdiz1vt8-7wxMRvMg at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>>> Welcome Heather. You will fit right in here. Now all we gotta do is
>>> get Raven Tolliver back talking and we'll have a nice balance!
>>> On 5/6/17, margo Downey via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>> Well, Heather and Ilsa, you all know by now that you can reply and
>>>> it'll go everywhere Nagdu people are. (smile).
>>>> Margo and Isis
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Heather
>>>> Bird via NAGDU
>>>> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 10:34 PM
>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog Users
>>>> Cc: Heather Bird
>>>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Hello, An Introduction from Heather With Ilsa
>>>> Oh, yay! Its a Margo and an Isis. You can be my ghinny pig. I
>>>> am trying to figure out if reply goes to just the sender or to the
>>>> whole list.
>>>> If no one else on list replies to this, then I will know that it
>>>> went to you only. I know some lists require you to hit reply all to
>>>> get it to the list, and others have the default of reply going to
>>>> the whole list.
>>>> PS, Ilsa says "Hey, Isis, tell your mommy not to go donating any
>>>> more money to my crazy mom. She dragged me to this silly park and
>>>> there was this nice walk we went on, but then she made me do the
>>>> loop again, and then this even smaller loop around the pond. She
>>>> wouldn't let me chew on the ducks or the geese and there were all
>>>> of these other rude people running who wouldn't let me catch up
>>>> with them and be first. Maybe if people stop giving my mommy money
>>>> she'll not make me do that again."
>>>> *wagging* "Nah, actually it was really fun, maybe you come walk
>>>> with us next year, just don't try to retrieve the ducks. Rusti says
>>>> ducks are for retrieving, but I think they look like more for
>>>> chewing. You're a Labrador, well, you're a cross, so you be our tie
>>>> breaker, are ducks for retrieving or for chewing? PSST, say
>>>> chewing, or I'll chew on your ears a little when I see you at
>>>> convention. Kidding, sort of." *more wagging*"
>>>> On 5/5/2017 10:26 PM, margo Downey via NAGDU wrote:
>>>>> Hey, Heather, welcome!
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of The
>>>>> Pawpower Pack via NAGDU
>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 05, 2017 4:53 PM
>>>>> To: NAGDU Mailing List, the National Association of Guide Dog
>>>>> Users
>>>>> Cc: The Pawpower Pack
>>>>> Subject: Re: [NAGDU] Hello, An Introduction from Heather With Ilsa
>>>>> Hello Heather!
>>>>> Welcome to the list. I'm Rox, am Deafblind, and my current
>>>>> working service dog is Soleil, a 6 year old yellow lab. She is
>>>>> owner trained.
>>>>> I also have Laveau, a 10 year old Doberman who still works from
>>>>> time to time, so Soleil can practice staying home alone! WE also
>>>>> share our home with Mill'E, who is a almost 15 year old golden.
>>>>> Sometimes Mill'E makes me put the harness on her so she can stand
>>>>> around and feel official but mostly her job is to keep my feet
>>>>> warm.
>>>>> We live in New Orleans where I am an independent contractor doing
>>>>> any number of different things.
>>>>> Hope you enjoy the list!
>>>>> Rox and the kitchen Bitches:
>>>>> Mill'E, Laveau, Soleil
>>>>> Pawpower4me at gmail.com
>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On May 5, 2017, at 2:57 PM, Jen via NAGDU <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Heather,
>>>>>> Welcome! My name is Jen. Although I am not a guide dog user, I am
>>>>>> interested in all things guide dog! I look forward to your posts.
>>>>>> spiderweb1 at sbcglobal.net
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: NAGDU [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>> Heather Bird via NAGDU
>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 5, 2017 3:26 PM
>>>>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>>>>> Cc: Heather Bird <heather.l.bird at gmail.com>
>>>>>> Subject: [NAGDU] Hello, An Introduction from Heather With Ilsa
>>>>>> Hello. My name is Heather and I have a Seeing Eye dog named Ilsa.
>>>>>> She
>>>>>> is a black and tan German Shepherd Dog. She just turned two
>>>>>> around Thanks Giving of 2016. She is my second guide from the
>>>>>> Seeing Eye, my fourth GSD. I have previously had shepherds from
>>>>>> Fidelco Guide Dog
>>>>> Foundation.
>>>>>> I am a mother of two boys, who are both visually impaired. My
>>>>>> mother is also blind and also a guide dog handler. My husband and
>>>>>> my father are both sighted. I am a member of NYAGDU, as are my
>>>>>> mother and my
>>>>> husband.
>>>>>> I am also the chapter president for our local NFB chapter in
>>>>>> Rochester
>>>>> NY.
>>>>>> Ilsa is very bright, a bit softer than my first TSE shepherd,
>>>>>> Frieda, but just as smart. My husband has an owner-trained
>>>>>> psychiatric service dog, a seven-year-old smooth coat collie
>>>>>> named Dante. He is a sable and he is a very soft, very intuitive
>>>>>> sweet dog. My mother has a black lab named Octane from the Seeing
>>>>>> Eye. I have her permission to disclose this fact and as many of
>>>>>> my best guide dog stories involve both her and my dogs, you may
>>>>>> see mention of Octane from time to
>>>> time.
>>>>>> I am also a member of IAADP. I am an attachment parent, student
>>>>>> of social work, stay-at-home mom and a member of API, and LLLI. I
>>>>>> am supportive of owner trainers, handlers of small breed service
>>>>>> dogs, handlers with invisible disabilities. I am a big advocate
>>>>>> of informed choice in guide dog training program selection, and a
>>>>>> big proponent of the rights and responsibilities of all service
>>>>>> dog handlers.
>>>>>> That's the nuts and bolts of me as a handler. Please feel free to
>>>>>> ask if you have any additional questions.
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>>> --
>>> How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,
>>> compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and
>>> tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you
>>> will have been all of these.
>>> George Washington Carver
>>> Email: singingmywayin at gmail.com
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 3
>>> Date: Mon, 8 May 2017 01:32:18 -1000
>>> From: Dani Pagador <axs.brl at gmail.com>
>>> To: nagdu at nfbnet.org
>>> Subject: [NAGDU] Update On My Girl
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CA+Lzemt9AS5Wx8wJ4PSUe-A2L_C-0Gz6e2bu=AR5S5NQd_pj1g at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
>>> Hi, Everyone.
>>> Peg was on Deremaxx and her limp seemed more pronounced, she seemed
>>> more anxious, and wasn't right digestively. I asked the doctor what
>>> the other alternative was, and she said I could either go back to
>>> Previcox or try Rimadyl. I opted for the Rimadyl, though she did
>>> well on the Previcox.
>>> She's been on the new meds for a week, but her appetite's been
>>> sketchy at best. She threw up Sunday night and Monday morning, and
>>> doc put her on a bland diet. She ate willingly, but I had to make
>>> homemade broth and rice--she wouldn't touch the canned stuff.
>>> Her loss of appetite started Thursday, though she drank water and
>>> wanted to go out. She didn't seem dehydrated, but by Saturday I was
>>> worked something was up. David took her to the vet and we found out
>>> that her kidneys are functioning at 25 percent. She's being given
>>> fluids at home, is drinking, and hardly eats.
>>> We take her back to the vet tomorrow, but David and I talked about
>>> needing to let her go. She's herself mentally, but not physically.
>>> It's been hard to watch her not eat, and I can't see having to watch
>>> her starve herself just so selfish Dani can keep her girl around.
>>> I'm trying to write this without crying, but it hits hard at
>>> unexpected moments. What did I not see? She's been on kidney diet
>>> food since December, and doc says kidney failure comes in older dogs.
>>> She's lived a good long life, has been, and still is faithful, and
>>> will always be my girl. Tight-fisted Dani wants to squeeze every
>>> last moment she can get with Peg. Am I being mean to keep her
>>> around? Will I be a bad Mom to put her to sleep just because she
>>> won't be able to eat and things will get harder for her, bah the
>>> All of this to ask you guys to hold your babies close, love them
>>> long, and love them hard.
>>> More Later,
>>> Dani, rambling, struggling with herself, grateful for your support
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Subject: Digest Footer
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>>> NAGDU at nfbnet.org
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> End of NAGDU Digest, Vol 146, Issue 8
>>> *************************************
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