[NAGDU] United tightens rules for emotional support animals - Chicago Tribune

Passle Helminski passle at roadrunner.com
Thu Feb 1 21:30:59 UTC 2018

> http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-united-tightens-rules-emotional-support-animals-0202-story.html <http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-united-tightens-rules-emotional-support-animals-0202-story.html>
> United tightens rules for emotional support animals
> Lauren Zumbach <x-msg://46/chi-lauren-zumbach-staff.html#nt=byline>
> United Airlines <x-msg://46/topic/business/transportation-industry/air-transportation-industry/united-airlines-ORCRP017350-topic.html> announced Thursday that it is joining Delta Air Lines <x-msg://46/topic/business/transportation-industry/air-transportation-industry/delta-air-lines-ORCRP002110-topic.html> in tightening rules for flying with emotional support animals, requiring passengers to present proof of an animal’s health and promise it will behave.
> Federal laws require airlines to permit passengers with disabilities to travel with service and emotional support animals in the cabin, though airlines can require a statement from a licensed mental health professional documenting the passenger’s need for an emotional support animal.
> Both service and support animals fly in the cabin for free, unlike household pets, for which United charges a $125 fee.
> But emotional support animals don’t always have the specialized training service animals receive, and airlines said that as support animals’ numbers have grown, so have problems with misbehavior and disturbances.
> United bars woman’s emotional support peacock from flight » <http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-united-emotional-support-peacock-20180131-story.html>
> United carried 76,000 emotional support animals in 2017, up nearly 77 percent from the year before, and noted a significant increase in incidents involving the animals on board its aircraft, spokesman Charles Hobart said.
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> The Chicago-based airline said the new rules are designed to “better balance protecting our employees and customers while accommodating passengers with disabilities.”
> Starting March 1, United customers who want to fly with an emotional support animal will need to confirm that the animal has been trained to behave properly in public and acknowledge their responsibility for the animal’s conduct, in addition to giving the usual 48 hours’ notice and presenting a letter from a mental health professional.
> Passengers also will need to provide a health and vaccination form signed by a veterinarian, along with the veterinarian’s assurance there is no reason to think the animal will threaten the health and safety of others on board or cause a significant disruption.
> The airline is not changing any rules concerning trained service animals, which don’t require advance documentation or notice unless the passenger is traveling to a foreign country with additional regulations.
> United said there was no specific incident involving an emotional support animal that prompted the change, but Delta referenced an incident last year during which one of its passengers was reportedly attacked by a seatmate’s emotional support dog on a flight leaving Atlanta.
> Editorial: Delta's smart move to bar phony support animals » <http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/opinion/editorials/ct-edit-delta-support-animals-airlines-20180119-story.html>
> United’s announcement came shortly after the airline’s decision to bar an emotional support peacock named Dexter from a flight leaving Newark, N.J., last week put the airline in the spotlight.
> The timing was a coincidence, Hobart said. United already had been working on the new policy, and Dexter wasn’t allowed to fly as an emotional support animal under United’s existing rules for reasons including his size, something United had told his owner before they arrived at the airport, he said.
> “It further illustrates the need for change, and the need to revise and enhance our existing policies so customers are certain what they can bring on board and for the overall safety and comfort of everyone on board the aircraft,” Hobart said.
> Airlines can refuse service or support snakes, reptiles, ferrets, rodents, sugar gliders and spiders, along with animals that are too large or heavy, pose a threat to health or safety, or would disrupt service. United said Thursday it also excludes hedgehogs, insects, nonhousehold birds, exotic animals and any animals that aren’t properly cleaned or carry a foul odor.
> The union representing United’s flight attendants praised the new policy, saying passengers who abuse the system to fly with household pets contribute to in-flight issues including aggressive behavior, biting, urination and defecation, and allergic reactions.
> “The airline's increased requirements for emotional support animals will reduce fraud and protect the legitimate need of animal assistance for passengers with disabilities and veterans,” Sara Nelson, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants, said in a news release.
> United’s new regulations are similar to those Delta announced last month, which also take effect March 1. Delta also will require veterinary health records for trained service animals.
> Delta said it carries nearly 250,000 service or support animals each year and saw an 84 percent increase in reported animal incidents since 2016, along with an increase in employee reports of service and support animals behaving aggressively.
> “Ignoring the true intent of existing rules governing the transport of service and support animals can be a disservice to customers who have real and documented needs,” the airline said in a news release.
> Eric Lipp, executive director of Open Doors Organization, a Chicago-based disability advocacy group, backs efforts to crack down on untrained emotional support animals.
> “It started as an annoyance, and at that point, the tourism industry didn’t want to penalize anybody,” he said. “Now it’s become a hazard to people.”
> But Lipp said he thought Delta’s policy goes too far because it also requires additional documentation and advance notice for trained service animals.
> Lipp said his organization has been working with United and other airlines on policies for emotional support animals. American Airlines <x-msg://46/topic/business/transportation-industry/air-transportation-industry/american-airlines-PLENT000002-topic.html> and JetBlue Airways also have said they are reviewing the issue..
> At American, the number of customers flying with a service or support animal was up more than 40 percent last year compared with 2016, spokeswoman Leslie Scott said.
> “Unfortunately, untrained animals can lead to safety issues for our team, our passengers and working dogs onboard our aircraft,” Scott said. “We will continue to support the rights of customers, from veterans to people with disabilities, with legitimate needs.”
> lzumbach at chicagotribune.com <mailto:lzumbach at chicagotribune.com>
> Twitter @laurenzumbach <https://twitter.com/laurenzumbach>

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