[NAGDU] Spirit Airlines: Student flushes emotional support hamster down toilet

David david at bakerinet.com
Fri Feb 9 21:24:12 UTC 2018

I think a clue to all of this fuss came when the lawyer called this 21 
year old woman a child.

If she had a medical professional's letter attesting to her need for the 
gerbil as an ESA, then she had a right to bring it.

*David in Clearwater, FL*
*david at bakerinet.com

On 2/9/2018 4:12 PM, Cindy Ray via NAGDU wrote:
> Really, I see where all of you are coming from. First of all, why did she
> really think the thing could go on the plane with her in the first place?
> Why did an employees when she made known that she had it say she could bring
> it and that isn't even the policy of Spirit. I don't think I would have done
> what she did, but honestly, you all have listed some really logical notions.
> If this person wasn't being logical at the time, how do we really put
> ourselves in her shoes. I am pleased to agree that there are lots of things
> wrong with the story, but I am also able to see that we are all condemning
> her and don't know all of the details. And, of course, we don't know how
> much the article itself got hyped out of proportion.
> Cindy Lou Ray who won't say more because I am starting to feel ridiculous

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